Need help with wiring a strip lights...

I am not even sure what red monos mean lol....but I didnt get them off any site. I pulled a builder off ebay and we did the planning and what not that way. This is the info on them. I grabbed close up pics too.
8 - 30x400mm Strips with 96 Samsung lm301b / lm301h LEDs Each Strip has: 64 - 2700k Samsung lm301b 16 - 4000k Samsung lm301h 16 - 6500k Samsung lm301b 8 - 30x400mm Strips with 90 Samsung lm301b / lm301h LEDs plus Red & IR Each Strip has: 58 - 2700k Samsung lm301b 16 - 4000k Samsung lm301h 16 - 6500k Samsung lm301b 4 - 660nm Deep Red 2 - 730nm Far Red(IR)
And how did you end up wiring it?
I forgot the wago connectors so that what was throwing me off here. I was like damn...that sure is alot of exposed wires. I thought there was no way it would be like that. Once I remembered them....I was done in minutes lol
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They can't be 48v strips then. Is there no specs printed on the strip? Can you contact the seller and ask for sure the voltage of a single strip?
I cleaned up the wires and taped them to the frame after the pic. I still have a second one to add in there but can't do it til tomorrow when my lights turn on. So far I like it..

They can't be 48v strips then. Is there no specs printed on the strip? Can you contact the seller and ask for sure the voltage of a single strip?
Yea I can find out....I had the option of 4 I believe 120 drivers or the 2 240 drivers....I went with 2 for less wires etc. But yea Ill ask and see what he says.
1800mA has zero to do with the equation. it's simply the Max current the strips can handle. I do lnt think this is right at all
Maybe I am wrong. Maybe I am not. I have not used this driver, so I can tell based only on the specs.

As strips are 24VDC you will have to put two of them into series to have voltage close to one that driver has (or dim it more then 50% which is a waste). In a constant voltage mode driver will give as much current as load can take (in this case 4.9 Amps). There for you have to connect groups of 2 in parallel. 4.9A/4groups=1.225Amps per group. This is maximum that driver can give. If output current can be adjusted as well as voltage, then you need to adjust output voltage to 48VDC and current to 0.7-0.9A per group of two (0.7 is better as it will give less heat end extend diode life).

Sums up: scheme that OP uses is correct, output voltage should be dimmed to 48VDC, output current should be adjusted to 2.8/3.6A.

p.s. I, personally, prefer to use constant current drivers as they are much easier to calculate.
Maybe I am wrong. Maybe I am not. I have not used this driver, so I can tell based only on the specs.

As strips are 24VDC you will have to put two of them into series to have voltage close to one that driver has (or dim it more then 50% which is a waste). In a constant voltage mode driver will give as much current as load can take (in this case 4.9 Amps). There for you have to connect groups of 2 in parallel. 4.9A/4groups=1.225Amps per group. This is maximum that driver can give. If output current can be adjusted as well as voltage, then you need to adjust output voltage to 48VDC and current to 0.7-0.9A per group of two (0.7 is better as it will give less heat end extend diode life).

Sums up: scheme that OP uses is correct, output voltage should be dimmed to 48VDC, output current should be adjusted to 2.8/3.6A.

p.s. I, personally, prefer to use constant current drivers as they are much easier to calculate.
I didnt have to do the figure out the specs part. The seller listened to what I wanted and how I wanted it....then he gave me different options of what I can do and can't do. He explained alot of it to me in emails but he also understood that I didnt know anything about it. Great guy though....he didnt push product on me. Just helped me achieve what I wanted. I am going to Lux app tomorrow to get a basic idea.
He also said the strips are 24 V.
I had a feeling they were custom. i like your builder, 24V is much easier to work with cause you can make low voltage series.

And that 6500k mixed in with warm white looked like it was blue mono leds, you have few red leds mixed in from the description
I had a feeling they were custom. i like your builder, 24V is much easier to work with cause you can make low voltage series.

And that 6500k mixed in with warm white looked like it was blue mono leds, you have few red leds mixed in from the description
Yea there's a couple on each other light. We went full custom though. He asked how I wanted it and for what and he did the rest and layed out different options. He was on point and straight forward with me too. He has all kinds of boards and lights etc for sale already built or you can go custom like I did.
Yea there's a couple on each other light. We went full custom though. He asked how I wanted it and for what and he did the rest and layed out different options. He was on point and straight forward with me too. He has all kinds of boards and lights etc for sale already built or you can go custom like I did.