need help with wiring


hey everyone this is my first time using a high pressure sodium bulb an i cant get it to come on. i have 2 brand new bulbs a 150 watt and a 70 watt so i know its not the bulb. it def my wiring. any advice on how to wire it up correctly?


Active Member
use gauge 14 , if you cant see wich one is positive , look on the extension cord , there will be Little lines on 1 of the 2 wires, the one with the lil lines on the whole side of it, is the positive one .

hope this helped


Active Member
go to home depot, look at extension cord for inside use , look at the gauge ( gage of wire (bigger or smaller )) you need 14.


k thanks i even tried just puttin the wires straight from the light fixture into the wall socket and nothin happened. that normal?


Active Member
hmmmm , well that way im surprised your still alive .. unless you turn breaker off ( i hope or else ill smack you on the head )

no its not normal , try agian wire'ing to the wall , this time try positive on positive if not, positive on negetive , if that dont work , then its the base of your lights

meaning if its T5's neon tubes , could be a socket no good ( return the bitch ) or if a hid, ballast or socket


lol ya i know kinda crazy way to check but thats the only way i could assure it wasnt the extention cord i was using. and its a 70 hps im using been growin under the t5s and cfls but want to step it up a little. i also have a mh bulbe but my plants are under 12 12 with the flro to sex then im switching to the hps. If i can get the damn thing to come on lmao...


Active Member
i bet you got yourself a Self ballast light?

if so , go back to home depot , go buy a Ceramic Socket , its what you screw your bulb into , you need metal or ceramic or thing will melt or.. maybe.. not WORK (hint might be the problem)


Active Member
self ballast means, a light that has its ballast in the lightbulb itself, and not outside the bulb as a machine


Active Member
hmmmmmm it could be the base ( the socket and stuff )

if you wire'd it properly positive on positive, black on black , that should work ..

see if you can undo the thing to see if wired properly on the ceramic base

but even before you do that.. just bring the fuckin back , tell them its a piece of junk not working and you wnat a new one .. theyll give it..
make sure you put a lil attitude in it .. ask too nicely and she'll try be dominant and give you a 2 cent excuse saying they cant.

fuckin bitchs .... ( not girls... just generaly talking about customer service.)