Need Help Wondering Sexes of My Plants


I feel positive that one of them is a female but I feel like the other one might turn to be a hermaphrodite can anyone maybe tell and help out?



Well-Known Member
the first picture looks male...and the second picture just looks like stipules. those grow on both female and male plants.


Active Member
Id let it grow just a little longer but make sure you watch it.. I think it looks male to but i believe it can grow pistils still. But don't let those sacs open

dp sux

New Member
I think both can be females Ive seen lots of calyx start out w/out pistols( if it was def male or is wait to see em look like lil grapes any sign that yank).


alright thanks guys i'll keep checking and post some new pics of them if i can't figure it out since this is my first grow