Need help. Yellowing leaves, brown tips.


New Member
First auto grow here.

Indoor auto grow. Sol-Mate strain.

Fox farms soil,mostly 5 gal pots. What is causing the leaves to yellow and some tips are brown and dead! You can see in the back.

Growing indoor, 70 degrees, perfect conditions.

Any suggestions? Light burn?Over watering?



Well-Known Member
"perfect conditions" huh? No such thing.

Need more info about the lights/setup etc. but it mostly looks like nutrient burn/lockout to me. That plant is in very very bad shape.


Well-Known Member
Is this the same plant you posted over a month ago that was riddled with spider mites?

Doug Dawson

Well-Known Member
First auto grow here.

Indoor auto grow. Sol-Mate strain.

Fox farms soil,mostly 5 gal pots. What is causing the leaves to yellow and some tips are brown and dead! You can see in the back.

Growing indoor, 70 degrees, perfect conditions.

Any suggestions? Light burn?Over watering?
Just my opinion but it looks like the soil was too hot and she got nute burned.