Need help


Active Member
Alright, well i bought a clone from the clinic a few days ago, transplanted it into soil and now it wont grow. it has been the same size for about 5 days now. also it seems to have started to grow white hairs, but it is only about 4-5 inches tall. im using 3 23 watt cfl, getting fans today. wonderin whats going on here.



Well-Known Member
are you using nutes? or are there nutes in the soil? how did the roots look before you transplanted? are there drainage holes on that pot?


Well-Known Member
judging by the bunchiness intervienally and the droopyness of the lower fan leaves, i would say too much ferts. if you are not watering with ph'd water this will be exasperated.

what type of soil is it in? please do not say miracle grow. and you say little white you mean pistols?


Active Member
sadly it is miracle grow soil. im going today to get a fan and some other stuff, should i get new soil?. i have been using water from my frig, i have been letting it get to room temp before putting it in the soil. and ya i meant pistols.


Well-Known Member
I would def. transplant into new soil. something with no nutes and pickup some nutes you can add to water. MG soil is notorious for nute blasting and burning the hell out of plants. while you are at it, you are going to need at the minimum ph tester kit with up and down, prob around 10-15 bucks. test your tap water-adjust to 7. Very very light feedings to start maybe 1/4 strength. mg soil meant more for heavier bearing fruits and not your intended usage. although some plants can maage it, most get burnt by it.
these pistols were not there when you first got them? most likely they were or were just starting as the clones were probablytaken from a good mother who was mature. the pistols should be at the leaf nodes and not at the ends of the new growth areas. if at new growth areas than these clones were taken from a flowering mother and you will be revegging them and possibility for slow grwoth


Well-Known Member
that should work fine until they are about a foot tall, than you would probably want some type of Metal halide. just make sure you get some vermiculite or something to keep airation in the soil. you probably got some decent clones here so best to do the best you can. you wont regret it.
+rep for getting them out of that MG soil


Active Member
alright i got some regular soil, a bigger pot, some plant food, and 3 27 watt daylight cfl. also got a little computer fan in there. so i should know in a couple days if its getting better or not. thanks for your help.


Well-Known Member
just hold off on feeding them for a week as they prob have enough nutes stored-and make sure you ph your water
good luck