need help

our girls r 3 wks old. yesterday noticed a yellow spot on one of the leaves and some drooping. today the yellows spots are on some other leaves and the plants still look a little droopy. im not sure if this is something to be concerned about or not. im goin out to get some fox farm grow big nuts today but not sure how to use. any advice will help since this is our first grow.



Well-Known Member
Depending on your lights it can just be water drops that marked the leaf ...

They droop when over watered... at that size in soil water every 3-4 days....
Besides that they seem OK... just watch to see if it occurs elsewhere....... Luck.
im growin in a 3x2x2 box with 8 cfls...watering about every 2 days. i know it might seem alot but at times it reaches almost 90 degrees and the soil becomes very dry. am i still over watering? r cfls strong enough to cause the spots


Well-Known Member
im growin in a 3x2x2 box with 8 cfls...watering about every 2 days. i know it might seem alot but at times it reaches almost 90 degrees and the soil becomes very dry. am i still over watering? r cfls strong enough to cause the spots
Yeah I know the small area grow .. I have some of the same issues with my inside...

Go a day longer until you water.. every time you water your humidity goes up in a small area... I let mine get quite dry in between waterings....

CFL's shouldn't cause the spots... but it may...


Well-Known Member
Plants look pretty healthy on the whole. Cfl's probably didn't cause the spots. More likely is from soil/water issues. What's your soil, and have you ph'd your water?


Well-Known Member
I haven't used fox farms, though I do see it's one of, if not the best soils. By the size of your plants and the pot size, I don't think deficiency. They are starting to get to get to the size where some nuts will be useful. That said, it would be good to know what the spotting issue is. Checking the ph is a real good idea, use ph drops or test strips if cost is an issue, they're around $5. Check water going in and out.


Well-Known Member
Just the water the comes out the drainage holes. Collect some and ph that if possible. My current grow's water is so muddy, my drops are worthless for my outflow, at the moment. But if you can ph it, it's good to know.

And you may not have control, but 90 isn't good. My grow limit I've found to be 88. I managed to cup the leaves on my 1st plant when hitting the temp, and just came close the other day when my temps hit 88. Of course, you may have different conditions, so what may hurt in my setup, you may do OK with in your setup.