need help!!!!


Well-Known Member
Im days away from harvest and it is pretty cold right now....temps around 60's in the sun but drop below freezing at night....

now my drying room is a shack that is not insulated very well and i was wondering if the colder temps are going to be an issue. i do plan on having a good exhaust fan fearing that i will be battleing a moister issue. any help will be great!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
ok so i'm thinking that i will be good with the day time warming up, i believe i'm going to have my 6" exhaust fan in a rather small area 12x4x6 thats not air tight


Well-Known Member
i just dried 3 oz's in very cold temps.. It works ok but takes about 3 weeks, some of the buds were very thick and dense indeed. I would suggest bringing them inside somewhere if you can and put in a cuboard or draw, this is what i did. I then just burped as per normal.

All is now 100% fine. Good luck mate.