need help

just started new grow but this time its in a closet with a 400w hps light but its too hot its about 35 - 40 need help to get it cooler.


yup that seems cold my plants in a wardrobe with a 400w hps and temps are around 81-85 which the plant loves if i was you i would try get it around there even in night cycle it only drops to 60 i think you should worry about making it hotter


Active Member
you could consider using ur 4 inch inline and use it to help extract allong with ur other fan !!! one fan pushing and the other pulling !!! now i dont no even if its doable but i had similar probs not as high as 35/40 thats sahara desrt shit man, but i am considering it for my next grow as these summers r killers,,,,,, plus there will allways b ample air in the closet coz ur in and out of it often enough to give it a good suply of air, worth a try if theres no better sugestions !!!! good look in wat u do man