Need help .-.


New Member
So, I just started growing for my first time, I am doing a stealth grow and stuff.
I need help though. I have some seeds, and I can germinate them and all those lovely things, but when I plant them, they wont grow, so I ended up digging them up to see if they were even growing, they had developed a slight grow, but are darker in color than before so now their like a greenish white. I have been growing the seeds for around 4 days but nothing appears to be happening. :cry:
I am currently using two CFLS and Miracle grow. I am running on a tight budget too.
I water them daily, and keep the lights on them 24/7 after planting them:confused::confused::confused:


New Member
Looking around I think I mayy have planted it a little too deep :/ but still, more knowledge and advice helps


Active Member
Sorry bro I have Zero Experience with soil as a medium. are these bag seed or what?


New Member
Sorry bro I have Zero Experience with soil as a medium. are these bag seed or what?
I got the seeds from a bag of Hindu Kush which I got from my dealer. They seem to germinate fine, its just the actual growth that is troubling.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
so I ended up digging them up to see if they were even growing,
I am currently using two CFLS and Miracle grow.
I water them daily, and keep the lights on them 24/7 after planting them:confused::confused::confused:
You dug them up?!?!? FFS, DON"T EVER DO THAT AGAIN....EVER!!!

Seeds don't need light untill after they broke the surface.

Daily watering is overwatering, youu'll drown them.

Don't give nutes to seedlings for a couple of weeks, it'll burn them.

I don't mean to be harsh, but it seems that you're doing everything in your power to kill them.

Before you do anything else, do some reasearch.


Well-Known Member
just put them in dirt and leave them alone... it's called weed for a reason, it will show you when it needs something.. at this rate its bound to be a male with the stress your putting them thru.. patience grasshopper...


New Member
Okie, well I switched the soil, so I kinda started over again but with FoxFarm instead of miracle grow and now Im just letting them grow, they seem to be doing good, one of them just burst out of the soil but is still in its shell. it has a purple line on it, its like a vein :weed:IMG_4792.jpganything else I should do? Or just let it grow :peace:


Active Member
Let it grow dude. Keep the nutes away while it's still delicate. Don't go picking off the shell, it'll do that in time. Just sit back and watch her unfold. And like everyone's mentioned, don't over-water. Good luck man!


Active Member
You could be over watering your seed causing it to drown. Or your going to deep stick it in a half inch and some seeds take longer to sprout up to 7 days sometime keep light on it and be patient


Active Member
This is why I always germ my seeds in a wet paper towel in the dark. After they're about 2 inches long, I plant and put a clear lid on my pot to maintain high humidity.


Active Member
This is why I always germ my seeds in a wet paper towel in the dark. After they're about 2 inches long, I plant and put a clear lid on my pot to maintain high humidity.​
This is the method I have used with good success however the seed I just got from SOS, 3 for 3 have been fails so far.
CFL was my first couple grows I found that you have to online research which type has the proper spectrum for growth. I think it was 1600 or something like that. Also try putting them in party cups or the dollar store throw away cups and watering alittle before transplanting into what ever your using so the soil stays on the root..dont soak it just add alittle water...

mg is good soil but get perlite and add it to help water drainage. nutes in mirical grow soil so dont add anymore. keep your light about 6 to 8 inches off the top and raise it as it grows or it may stretch. watering is key but overwatering is killer....stick your stinky pinky in the top about one knuckle if no moisture wait couple of hours and medium watering not flooded. every two days do this and your golden child ( like the movie) hope this helps love stealth computer grows :D cheers

I just moved up last year to closet with 600 watt hps mh


Well-Known Member
A. Your media looks pretty damp...lay off the water for a few.
B. Your media should've had nothing to do with them not popping up. You were just impatient...and maybe buried them too deep.
Types: CFL's come in mainly two flavors, Soft White (color temperature 2700k) and Daylight (color temperature 6500k). For a complete CFL grow, you should use both. Soft white mimics the spectrum of a HPS light, and is best suited for flowering. Daylight's color spectrum is like that of metal halide lights, and is excellent for the vegetative stage. (This applies to tubes too. Around 6500k for veg, around 2700k for flower.) sorry did this for your viewing pleasure took it from pcgrowbox site... hope it helps


Well-Known Member
Types: CFL's come in mainly two flavors, Soft White (color temperature 2700k) and Daylight (color temperature 6500k). For a complete CFL grow, you should use both. Soft white mimics the spectrum of a HPS light, and is best suited for flowering. Daylight's color spectrum is like that of metal halide lights, and is excellent for the vegetative stage. (This applies to tubes too. Around 6500k for veg, around 2700k for flower.) sorry did this for your viewing pleasure took it from pcgrowbox site... hope it helps
I don't think the reason his seeds aren't sprouting has anything to do with lighting. But I guess any info helps.bongsmilie


New Member
So, I just started growing for my first time, I am doing a stealth grow and stuff.
I need help though. I have some seeds, and I can germinate them and all those lovely things, but when I plant them, they wont grow, so I ended up digging them up to see if they were even growing, they had developed a slight grow, but are darker in color than before so now their like a greenish white. I have been growing the seeds for around 4 days but nothing appears to be happening. :cry:
I am currently using two CFLS and Miracle grow. I am running on a tight budget too.
I water them daily, and keep the lights on them 24/7 after planting them:confused::confused::confused:
Just have patience.. They will pop through when the seedlings are ready and they have everything they need until the first pair of true leaves come through so easy on the water and the nutes.. Let the plants guide you through your first grow.