need help!


New Member
Hey guys and girls need a couple tips . I have two plants .not sure on strain but i kmow there both the same kind of bomb kush. Think hindu .anyhow i only have two 23 watt cfls on each at a month and a week old .im looking to get a huge yeild . Just maybe 2 ozs . I recently burnt a couple leafs due to growing too much in 1 sleep n me just pluggin the lights back in. I cut some leafs off am i harming it or decreasing the yeild?. Also is it bad how i have one light on top and one on the side of the plant? Also why are they so different they are both female. Sorry if its too many questions just need some advice.


Well-Known Member
You arent going to get 2ozs of 2 23 watt bulbs, I doubt ul get anything at all. You need a several of em all around the plant if you want to yield anything
Like the said, you need much more light. But it is good you have the lights spaced out.
You want to put as many lights, covering as many parts of your plant as you can get.
Are you in flowering right now? Or still vegging. It's not bad if you cut a few leaves off, but other would disagree.

Different strains are different looking. Its just in their genetics.


New Member
Though Hindu Kush is a very short plant you're, at a minimum, going to need two more cfl's. For best results I would suggest six more in a vertical position with wing reflectors to direct the light towards her. It will allow one on each "side" boxing it in for best light penetration providing the best possible yield with low wattage cfl's.


Well-Known Member
Each strain has different pheno's to it unless they are a true breaking strain or a landrace which seem to be pretty stable. So you have have a couple different phenols being expressed which would explain why each one looks a little different.

Like already stated, for two ounces, you will need some more light. HID would be ideal but more CFLs would work too.

As as for trimming off leaves, if your still in veg, it won't harm a thing. They will keep growing and replace what was removed.

as for positioning bulbs. Put them everywhere you can. The more the better, esp when using cfls. Since CFLs don't offer much penetration of light, it doesn't hurt to have the surrounding the plant, on top and everywhere in between! Kush is Indica so the good news is they can handle the less intense light better than a sativa would. But if you want to reach your goal of two ounces, then you will want to increase the amount of light you are giving them. A 250 watt HID would be better, and should help you get at least 2 ounces off of those girls. Good luck and happy growing friend :-)

Although i I would shot for a 400w at least and pull 4 plus ounces off them ;-) it would be worth the investment. I can already tell you that once your harvest and get a taste for some nice fresh home grown, you will never look back and wind up growing some more so getting some decent equipment is a worth while investment that can yield you some amazing free, well grown smoke for the life of the equipment.