Need Ideas or help with grow room

so recently i was able to get a grow room going or multiple grow rooms going. I've been a smaller hobby grower and wanted to take the next big step to having a grow room. Grow space for the first from room is roughly around 15ftx12ftx8ft. second room is around 20ftx15ftx8ft. Was wondering what my best course of action would be sealed room non sealed room what kind of lights (always been an LED Person) so don't know much about HPS CFL.
my advice, dont go too big unless you have the cooling, and can afford the hike in electric bill. i made this similar move from tent, to tents, to partitioned room, to full garage 20x18x16. my electric went from 220 to about 400. alot to prepare for. Im using 3 HIDs, Cali Ballast 1100w, currently all running mh for veg, flower will be 2hps 1 mh. still hot with all that room and air. ive since decided to run my day cycle at night to help. i would go sealed if youre using hps with c02, if youre not using c02 i would go sealed. make sure you have vents if you go sealed room, negative pressure can become an issue. for a garage to be used to its max potential you would need many lights. i had to build sort of a cage of mylar reflective rolls to focus light, so im not wasting. make sure you paint or cover all walls with reflective white poly film or mylar. its alot of work and expensive. stay small is my advice.
if you want you could veg under led, and flower HID. might help temps and electric bill. im converting to cmh/led after this run. my wife cannot handle the stress of a 400 electric bill much longer lol
another thing i forgot about the garage, humidity (depending on where youre located) fighting humidity sucks, so make sure you invest heavy in a dehumidifier and humidifier. i recommend covering the floor in white plastic drop cloth to cover your floors and cracks where critters from outside make their way in.. seal everything 100x's because bugs come from all kinds of places in garages.
Using LED's will keep heat and costs much lower than the alternatives (MH/HID/HPS). There are some great lights out there for under a grand with a veg/bloom switch on the light itself to give the plant more red or blue spectrum depending on the stage. 20W-30W of light per square foot is adequate and you don't want to go much higher or it will be overkill. Do you plan on sticking with dirt or moving to hydro?
also like @TraeNOK said, Co2 is great if you're going with HPS lighting. The plant only uses Co2 to expedite growth IF receiving too much light. so, unless you're using HPS AND Co2, it is unnecessary to seal the room. This, of course, is only if you have a handle on bug infestation...
Using LED's will keep heat and costs much lower than the alternatives (MH/HID/HPS). There are some great lights out there for under a grand with a veg/bloom switch on the light itself to give the plant more red or blue spectrum depending on the stage. 20W-30W of light per square foot is adequate and you don't want to go much higher or it will be overkill. Do you plan on sticking with dirt or moving to hydro?
right now im gonna stick to dirt cause thats what i know best hydro is something im looking into the future gotta do more research on hydro.
also like @TraeNOK said, Co2 is great if you're going with HPS lighting. The plant only uses Co2 to expedite growth IF receiving too much light. so, unless you're using HPS AND Co2, it is unnecessary to seal the room. This, of course, is only if you have a handle on bug infestation...
i most likely plan on doing a sealed room with co2 and AC with dehumide
Using LED's will keep heat and costs much lower than the alternatives (MH/HID/HPS). There are some great lights out there for under a grand with a veg/bloom switch on the light itself to give the plant more red or blue spectrum depending on the stage. 20W-30W of light per square foot is adequate and you don't want to go much higher or it will be overkill. Do you plan on sticking with dirt or moving to hydro?
The heat is present in LEDs on a smaller footprint where it actually damages them if you're not ventilating and I don't mean just a heatsink. You need to ventilate LEDs more or else they die off slowly and you get your heat when you ventilate those LEDs properly.
Ventilation is important to stabilize your environment. You can have all the best setup but if you have one square foot of dead air it's not a stable environment.