Need Ideas.


Hey, i need ideas on a closet grow, its about
4' 6'' wide
2' 6'' deep
and 5' tall
im going to split into two parts, one flowering the other veg and cloning. its going to be a perpetual grow in hydro bout 2-4 plants in a 5 gallon buckets.
250w cfl bulbs (12,000 lumens) for both stages.

what i really need is pics or blueprints of design setups, primarily for venting.

its a closet thats sunk into the wall with another mini closet above it.

+rep for those that help, thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
i don't have any pics or blueprints, but maybe i could walk you through it, you say it's sunk into the wall, are there any thin walls, other than the separate cabinet on the top?


i don't have any pics or blueprints, but maybe i could walk you through it, you say it's sunk into the wall, are there any thin walls, other than the separate cabinet on the top?

its like a really tall cabinet, thats been split into 2. the top bit is like 2' 6" with doors aswell.
The walls are really thick and are brick or cement but they have been covered with wood which is about 1/4 inch thick so i can drill into that.
The bottom cabinet will be locked, but the top one can be open for venting. I'll put in a thin wooden separator to stop light from crossing the veg and flower chanmber.
I need in to look as normal as possible so no massive holes in the walls, as my roomate hates mj, and is very curious, but not enough to pick a lock


Well-Known Member
yeah, you should be able to put an exhaust on the top for exhaust. As for intake, it should be near the bottom of the box. pics would help a lot!


Well-Known Member
oh shit, i just sounded really stupid there, sorry i was really distracted! i meant to say, "fan on the top for exhaust"...haha


ill be able to get pics tomorrow, i was planning on having exhaust through the top cupboard, air goes though diy carbon filter then computer fan then into the top cupboard.
an i was hoping on having passive intake through the holes that are already there, like the bits between the doors. or alternatively though another hol that would be in the top cupboard aswell, the only problem is i would have exhaust very near the intake


Well-Known Member
what you can do, is put the intake next to the exhaust, but connect a dryer vent to it, and run it to the bottom of space, so that would provide thorough air circulation!


Well-Known Member
oh, almost forgot something, try using a ducting elbow to face the intake away from the exhaust, so your not just pulling the exhaust air back in! all this stuff is fairly cheap, i picked these stuff up at home depot for $23, the ducting and the elbow


kk ill get the pictures up tommorrow im at a different house right now.
the the intake and exhaust can be next to each other, just not facing each other, neither in the closet nor outside it.


Well-Known Member
this is probably the best you should be able to achieve considering your situation...and yeah, you don't wanna be sucking the bad air right back into your box!


here are the pics
theres the cupboard open shut, the view inside the top looking down and inside the bottom looking up.
soz about the quality it was taken on my phone



Well-Known Member
you don't want any holes on the side right? there are some ways you could put holes on the side without it looking so obvious, you could use an extremely flat light trap, like a metal paint tray, paint the back side of it white to match the cabinet, if your interested in this idea, just hit me up, and i'll try to thoroughly explain this!



Well-Known Member
ok, all you have to do is make the hole for your intake fan on the side, but be sure the fan you have does not stick out too much, take a paint tray that's big enough to completely cover the intake, and cut about 2 inches off the bottom, so you have a hole facing the floor when you cover the intake, paint the back of the tray to match the cabinet and use whatever you have to stick the tray over the hole, some kind of adhesive or concrete nails should do nicely...this is a great idea, as it's rather stealthy, it stops light from escaping, but it still allows the fan to pull a lot of air, and paint the inside black so the light can't bounce through the light trap...

hope this helps man!
