Need info on how to determine the sex


Well-Known Member
Look in the top 2 V branches and near the base you will either see some White Hairs shooting out, or a small football or radish shaped green growth, that would be a male. Females dont have alot of pre sex, whereas males have alot more visible before actually turning into there balls.

Males show earlier though, mostly.. bongsmilie


Active Member
Thanks that good stuff I will keep my eye out I dont really see either one yet which might be a good thing


Well-Known Member
I got a followup question...
When should I be looking to determine sex? I'm about 1 week into 12/12 and haven't really noticed anything.


Well-Known Member
I got a followup question...
When should I be looking to determine sex? I'm about 1 week into 12/12 and haven't really noticed anything.
Females typically take longer to show signs of sex. Anywhere from 7 days to a little longer - from what I've experienced. Also, depending on strain, it could take even longer. Males typically show within 3-5 days. If you see balls, you have about a week or a little longer to get them out. They don't pollinate until they are old enough to bust open their pollen sacks.



Active Member
All good info the pics of mine are almost a month old thought I checked the bottom V and no balls so that could be good but I dont see hairs either seems like it maybe female


Well-Known Member
patience.. it takes a while before balls develop enough to actually become a danger to the rest of your crop, before that point they will be easily identifiable.


Well-Known Member
You won't really be able to tell sex until you switch to 12/12 anyways. Some "pros" can determine sex within a few weeks, but who knows. You just really need to know what you are looking for.



Active Member
O i see well if it has to be 12/12 that would make sense I wasent planning on doing that for a while I wanted them to get as big as possible. i just seems pretty large not to be able to determine sex yet. I will be patient though ;) thanks


Well-Known Member
Yea, size doesn't matter. It all depends on when you switch them to 12/12. This lets the plant know it's time to stop doing so much "veg" growth and start flowering. Different hormones kick in when you switch the light cycle. How big are the plants? 12" or so is a good time to put them into flower. You can even flower them shorter then that. What size pots do you have them in?



Active Member
The one plant is about 12 inches tall and the my other ones are like 6 or 7. I was going to keep them veg for a really long time so they produce more. What are your thoughts on doing that? I have them in reall huge pots like 12 inchs wide and tall


Well-Known Member
The bigger they get, the more bud sites you will have. Guess it all depends on your size limitations. According to your pot size that you told me, sounds like you are using maybe 1.5-2 gallon pots. I'd at least get them in 3-3.5 gallon pots. The bigger those things get, the more their roots are going to want to stretch out. I friend of mine on here uses 6 gallon pots. He let's his get 4-6' I think.

Some say that pot size doesn't matter and that you can grow a big plant in a small pot, I still like to roll with a 3-3.5 gallon pot. When you put those things into flower, they will probably grow another 1'-1.5" depending on strain. A beleive a 3 gallon pot is enough to sustain a plants life for 3 months or so, before it might need a bigger pot.



Active Member
Sweet well I will let them grow in their exisiting pots longer and see what happens if they get taller I will transplant I have heard horror stories about plants getting stunned or dieing. I really want to strech them out there are alot of leafs for how short they are.....thanks for all the info


Well-Known Member
Yea, transplanting this late in the game will most likely cause SOME stress. But you also don't want a plant to stunt when it's starting to flower - bad news bears! You should start a journal man, best way to go about the grow.



Active Member
I thought about doing that. This is my first grow next time I was thinking daily entry and weekly pics stuff like that. Help perfect the process. How long have you been growing for?


Well-Known Member
Started back in March. Learned a TON of shit from that grow and reading various books and using this site. Had a grow going a few weeks back and they were doing really well. I had to scrap the grow - long story. I had a few Shoreline and Sour Diesel's going - it was a sad day.

I'm waiting on some new seeds to arrive and I'll start back up.



Active Member
Nice.....that sux about scrapping your grow though.......I got my seeds out of a bottom of my you buy yours online?


Well-Known Member
No, got them from a friend of mine. Sending me five seeds of some Cheese. What kind of herb did those seeds come from?
