need info


Active Member
Don't get caught.. if I were you and wanted to buy seeds I'd make sure to research the site you're purchasing seeds from.. I hear some sellers are very discreet with the packing of seeds.. You should be safe.. if you wanted, you could use a different name so they don't come back to your name.. just to cover your hide. good luck


Active Member
Seeds are sold as surveniors. You can buy seeds, and all the equipment, but until you start the growing process, you aren't doing anything wrong.


Well-Known Member
If you buy seeds from overseas, really the worst that would happen if they found it would be to confiscate it and send you a letter about it. Order from Attitude and chose stealth shipping. I've never had a problem.


Well-Known Member
I ordered some fem Swiss Cheese from Nirvana, waited 4 weeks with no delivery. Talked to AJ at Nirvana on the topic and they resent me my order out of good gesture.
3 days after that i got my confiscation letter from the US Customs in the mail from the 1st order and then 5 days later my resent ordered showed up.

Luck of the draw with customs i guess. Good luck to you
which one of these would grow the best outside in pots and out of these which one would get done the fastest ???


Active Member
Seeds are sold as surveniors. You can buy seeds, and all the equipment, but until you start the growing process, you aren't doing anything wrong.
The site you may buy them from may call them souvenirs, but they are marijuana seeds, and they are not legal. It is illiegal to buy or sell seeds in the US. Why do you think you have to buy them from overseas? If they weren't illegal, u could buy them here. Lol


Active Member
Usually customs will just take them if they find them tho. They couldn't take them if they were legal.