need information on males

milk man

Active Member
milk man 8 002.jpg

milk man 8 004.jpg

milk man 8 003.jpg First this is not my first grow but I cannot get a sure fire way to tell if my plants are male or female. I posted some pics yesterday and asked for help the 4 pictures I posted were all marked male. I moved them out of the bloom room to the bathroom this morning I noticed some of the balls that were marked as male were opening so my stupid question is if they are pollen sacks they should not be opening this soon 6 weeks old right now. When they are males for sure I can tell before they let go but its these types I have trouble with and I need there spot if they are males for new plants ready to go to bloom THANKS


they look male also, wait for hairs, and pollen sacks can open that early

milk man

Active Member
Thanks I just pulled them and moved them to the other room I dont know who I am fooling just I got 8 out of 9 males un real I am bummed they were so pretty 18to 22 inches and healthy healthy plants I have some 8 to 9 inch plants with 5 nodes but I am going to give them another week in veg ahhhh Thanks again