Need more advice from you awesome people


New Member
I hope other people are still reading this and laughing at how fuckin retarded your comebacks are. Thread closed. Get a life


Well-Known Member
Hey, If ya only got one or two plants an you dont mind a seed or two, fuck it. Pull the nanners off as best you can and don't sweat the small shit. I've grown sativa's that have taken 4 months to flower, and in my experience, when you have extended flowering times like that you increase the chances of a plant trying to self-pollinate. Instead of junking, what could be a couple zips of some very nice smoke, and a waste of a few months, I would go with letting the hermie grow out. If you got 20 plants that you are going to market with... well then thats a different story, I would pull the offending plant. Thats just my take on it. Trust me, whatever decision you make will be the right one. Now, having said that, theres a world of difference between a hermie female and having a male plant. If you got a hermied female, you have choices, if you got a male, put that mofo in the garbage. Peace


Well-Known Member
So what are you asking? theres not a coherent question there. If you have hermaphrodite you should kill them. If you have females that are not showing hermaphrodism then keep them.
Also I couldn't care less what you call yourself.