Need more info about Males


How to rid of them in best explainable words. I understand that males are very hard to tell but it wont become white hair bud that how i tell? wont that be too late O.O;

(Short story)
Please forgive me my dad is not feel very well. hes super A+ Guerrilla grower but now he have kidney diseases he cant keep up with business he have noone just me so i chop up the greens and start up next year on my own i need help ton of help i always smk cannabis that my dad grew now its time i grow my dad cannabis. I know how to prep site now and of course i know how to harvest its is the between of Prep site to before Harvest that i have no ideas! Please help.

Muchas respect.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
The difference between males and females once flowering is black and white. Males have great big BALLS

You have plenty of time between them showing sex to them doing their thing to remove them.

You get rid fo them by chopping them down and throwing them away.


Well-Known Member
They have great examples of male mary jane plants online. I suggest just googling it. Once you see the pictures then your mind will be trained to see them if it occurs in your future grows.


great! Can i just use pocket knife and cut the little bastard off and save the plant? or its impossible because it is "Male Plant"?


bud bootlegger
great! Can i just use pocket knife and cut the little bastard off and save the plant? or its impossible because it is "Male Plant"?
males don't grow bud, will only get females pregnant and give their buds seeds.. so it's off with their heads, gotta kill the whole plant..


Well-Known Member
If you cut my balls off, I would still live. I would also still try to fuck with the women around me.. even if it meant dry humping them with my bloody stump.

Cut down and get rid of all males!!


Understood. Thank you folks for help just let yall know my dad is not very well to speak so he cant explain me anything i dont want him to overstressed on his kidneys. Thank you folks on rollitup. Youse dont know how much i am grateful for youse to help.