Need more light to add to 4 QB 96 Elites


Well-Known Member
Need to add more qb's to my 4 QB 96 elites for a 4x4 tent but HLG is out of QB 96 elites DIY with heat sinks still really new to LED lighting and wanted some suggestions on what i could add to them for more juice thanks in advance !
Need to add more qb's to my 4 QB 96 elites for a 4x4 tent but HLG is out of QB 96 elites DIY with heat sinks still really new to LED lighting and wanted some suggestions on what i could add to them for more juice thanks in advance !
We'll, those boards can run some seriously high wattage so you could just get another driver and run em harder, or just get a few Samsung strips and do with them what you want.
I hate to say it but Try craigslist, or eBay. I’ve gotten lucky with some cheap drivers on eBay
Also could call around the any of the stores brick and mortar that stock hlg
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Need to add more qb's to my 4 QB 96 elites for a 4x4 tent but HLG is out of QB 96 elites DIY with heat sinks still really new to LED lighting and wanted some suggestions on what i could add to them for more juice thanks in advance !
What wattage are you running them at? I'm surprised that 4 QB96's isn't enough in your space. You could always buy the board and heatsink separately.
So why do you think you need more light again? 600w in a 4x4 is like the Max you wanna go up to in that space
Need to add more qb's to my 4 QB 96 elites for a 4x4 tent but HLG is out of QB 96 elites DIY with heat sinks still really new to LED lighting and wanted some suggestions on what i could add to them for more juice thanks in advance !
What you running on at? I have them and at 2100 ma they are way more than enough for 4x4 so I bet your running lower