Need non growing advice

I have known him for a long time, since the first post he had been to get some and I did what I said previously, now I have my own bag, and guess what!!! You guys will never guess who is out before me.... this is the second time. I shared what I had left, no problem there, but OMG he smokes WAY more than me. I hope things keep going like this, I feel better anyways. There was no arguements, thanks for all your advice I appreciate it!:wink:
Yeah I agree. No secrets here either, and if I think there are, I clear that shit right up! Deff. get the scales sweetie, you gotta be tricky! thats not right, your putting in your money and getting F*ed! But I think you can handle him :)
my gf steals my weed. Although she only does it because her intuition tells her there will come a time when I might not have any for a few hours, maybe even a whole day (any longer than this and I'd probably die). When the time comes she gives it to me like a good un.

Anyway, glad to see your little problem sorted. It's much better to get things out in the open.
my gf steals my weed. Although she only does it because her intuition tells her there will come a time when I might not have any for a few hours, maybe even a whole day (any longer than this and I'd probably die). When the time comes she gives it to me like a good un.

Anyway, glad to see your little problem sorted. It's much better to get things out in the open.

damn dude my girl has to start doing that. good idea.
My advice: Confront him with all your questions if hes going to be this stubourne and bitchy about smoking weed/growing weed then where do you think you are going to be 1 year down the road, not only will you have problems with Marijuana but it will continue on to other aspects of your life as soon as he gets comfortable controlling you. + Its BS hes pinching your shit, there is one vital piece in a relationship and that is trust, this dude sounds like a loser you need to get rid of.
Now come on... that sounds a little harsh. The geezer has split it fairly with her now, and she did say this was the ONLY aspect about him she didn't like. Maybe he honestly believed that she didn't need it as badly as him (which is most likely true), but as soon as she opened her mouth he realised this may not be the case and has now started to split it fairly with her.

Sometimes we can all act a little selfish, and when it isn't pointed out the act becomes less selfish and more expected. Sometimes, we all need it pointing out.
Without honesty in a relationship, your relationship will be a prison..

YOU should hide nothing!!!!!!! let it all out... be free.... never get upset.. just be free.. with big smile on your face and a belly full of laughter.. just say..

"HEY FUCK FACE... iloveyou and you need to be honest with me and cough up the chronic, I don't really give a shit that you are a sneaky bastard.. iloveyou and accept you for who you are... NOW... please leave some GANJA for me... cause I am addicted and need a morning toke!"

iloveyou NEVER HIDE ANYTHING FROM YOUR MATE... if they can't handle you then THEY will leave... and make room for somebody who can ACCEPT you for WHAT you are..

dammit gk...after reading what you wrote i got on the phone with my g/f who gives me holy hell about smoking(she is a money hungry woman who would rather me sell every bud i grow) and told her that it isn't working out and we should see other ppl. dammit i feel free now. wtg michelle glad everything is ok now. "two wrongs don't make a right, but is damn sure makes it even"
my gf steals my weed. Although she only does it because her intuition tells her there will come a time when I might not have any for a few hours, maybe even a whole day (any longer than this and I'd probably die). When the time comes she gives it to me like a good un.

Anyway, glad to see your little problem sorted. It's much better to get things out in the open.

That is so funny! My husband tells me every time I bring pinched and stashed weed in his time of need that "thats why I married you!":blsmoke:
Lol Its a rainy day stash! thats what wives are for :) I used to do the same thing, just pinch a little bit, a bowl from every sack or so. and then you have a nice little collection.
:dunce: I started smoking when I started dating my current boyfriend, it has been about 8 months. I have known him for 15 yrs more than 10 of them we did not have contact. Well anyways he always goes to hook-up, I don't know any of his buddies that he goes to. I feel like he may be taking from the stash b4 he gets home. We are growing now, & I bought scales for when we harvest they came up missing. I never have any weed in my possession he always handles it when he leaves he puts some in my stash box. I use b'cause I enjoy the high ofcourse but I have some medical issues that it helps with, it keeps me off pain killers. So what should I do? Also he never offers for me to meet his dealers, never leaves me or sets me up a hook-up when he leaves town. What are somethings I can do or say to find a dealer? How should I handle the other situation? I am not paranoid b'cause of the dope either I feel this way when I am straight also. My gut jsut tells me there is something not quite right I am just not sneaky enough to catch Welp any help or advice would be appreciated.......

did u find a good dealer?