Need nursery pots and an exuse for why I need them.

Sunshine Closet

Well-Known Member
Money is tight and I need some 1 gal nursery pots ASAP. Most nurseries will give them away but I need an excuse for why I need them. If I needed one or two I wouldn't worry about it but I need 20 and it's not exactly outdoor planting season.

Somebody help me come up with something I can tell the nursery when I ask for them. The chance is slim that they'll even care, but if someone wants 20 nursery pots at the beginning of Winter it's kind of a red flag that some indoor gardening is going on if you know what I mean.


Well-Known Member
Tell them your gathering supplies while they're available for springtime (when everyone else is depleting supplies). Say you had problems last year and you're looking to leg-up on the opertunity.

That's my story,, and I'm sticking to it! ;-)


Active Member
Radishes and lettuce do well on window sills (small pots). I like the "getting ahead for next year" from above (large pots). Really. Try radishes in coconut on your window sill using your runoff solution from your "other garden". Super easy and tasty too!


Well-Known Member
I don't know any nursuries that give away pots like that. Every one of them around me sell them. As for why you need them, to grow things in. They don't need to know specifics. Don't make up lies.