Need nutrition help fast


Active Member
I know the plant is supposed to use more nitrogen during the veg stage then it does during the flowering stage but do you put any nitrogen at all in during the flowering or do you let it go completely and just you use a blooming fertilizer I hope somebody Champions quickly because I'm losing this battle I'm almost to the point that I want to rip up these plants and start all over but I'm so close to having some kind of harvest rather than no Harvest at all.
P.S it is there watering day also so Overlook that but that is also why I need to know today


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imo you should probly try a heavy flush, thats not a light Nitrogen deficiency that looks like a salt build up too me. Water to a solid runoff and get those salts moved out and then remix and feed lightly.

You could easily do a one nute feed from start to finish with these weeds. FloraNovas got all you really need.
Is the Floranova a soil fert even though it says hydroponics and wich bottle or bottles. I did a flush about a week ago I guess I'll do another one I was just scared of washing too much out I guess. After I do the flush how soon after that can I start putting newts back into it
I'm not around getting right at the moment but when I get back I'll plan on doing a soil test to check my pH and mpk of the soil and I will get back with everybody thanks for the help guys
imo you should probly try a heavy flush, thats not a light Nitrogen deficiency that looks like a salt build up too me. Water to a solid runoff and get those salts moved out and then remix and feed lightly.

You could easily do a one nute feed from start to finish with these weeds. FloraNovas got all you really need.
imo you should probly try a heavy flush, thats not a light Nitrogen deficiency that looks like a salt build up too me. Water to a solid runoff and get those salts moved out and then remix and feed lightly.

You could easily do a one nute feed from start to finish with these weeds. FloraNovas got all you really need.
Is the Flora Nova okay to use for soil and not hydroponic I do not use a hydroponic setup I am using a soil medium? And which Flora Nova product would I use from start to finish they have several different products if you could point me in the right direction it will be greatly appreciated as of I do not have a lot of money to spare and all of my spare money has gone into this and I would hate to lose it all
Quarter to half strength nutrient solution with 10 - 20% runoff. Plain water next watering and then same quarter to half strength the following. Allow a decent amount of runoff and let dry in between watering's. That would be with a complete nutrient solution not just the bloom nutes.

Looks like you cut back all the nitrogen and have overfed P & K due to just bloom nutes and additional bloom boosters. The equilibrium in the soil is all out of whack.

Yes you can use flora nova in soil.
Quarter to half strength nutrient solution with 10 - 20% runoff. Plain water next watering and then same quarter to half strength the following. Allow a decent amount of runoff and let dry in between watering's. That would be with a complete nutrient solution not just the bloom nutes.

Looks like you cut back all the nitrogen and have overfed P & K due to just bloom nutes and additional bloom boosters. The equilibrium in the soil is all out of whack.

Yes you can use flora nova in soil.
Quarter to half strength nutrient solution with 10 - 20% runoff. Plain water next watering and then same quarter to half strength the following. Allow a decent amount of runoff and let dry in between watering's. That would be with a complete nutrient solution not just the bloom nutes.

Looks like you cut back all the nitrogen and have overfed P & K due to just bloom nutes and additional bloom boosters. The equilibrium in the soil is all out of whack.

Yes you can use flora nova in soil.
Do I need to add a little nitrogen and no P&K when I water this evening and then do the straight water flush the next watering or do I need to go ahead and do just straight water this time and add the newts the next I will be watering within the next hour or so
Do I need to add a little nitrogen and no P&K when I water this evening and then do the straight water flush the next watering or do I need to go ahead and do just straight water this time and add the newts the next I will be watering within the next hour or so

You're a ways into flower and those plants don't look very good. Without knowing what exactly you've been feeding them it's hard to say what you need. Don't drown them in water but water with plain water till some runoff a couple times. Then start back with a balanced nutrient. You don't completely stop feeding nitrogen in flower. It's still a required nutrient although in less quantities than in veg. Regardless, the yield on those plants is going to be disappointing compared to what it would have been had the plants stayed healthy. It's possible to bring them back but they have already been stunted. You should get some more started if you haven't already.

Skip all those fancy nutrients and get a simple product like Jacks, MegaCrop, VitaGrow, etc... Leave all those additives alone for now. Less is better.
I do have some more started they are actually the Clones off of the plants in the pictures that I've been showing I've been trying to use the same nutritions that I've been using on the other plants on my clones but I guess I'm going to stop that now and tried to come up with other stuff as you is mentioning above. I was wanting to do a screen of green with these they're right at a foot tall maybe just a few inches taller I was just wondering if it is too late for me to do a screen of green. I really wished I would have got on the forum sooner I just thought I was growing a weed that it would be a little easier and I am actually a little embarrassed for asking for help but I want to grow a quality product and sometimes you got to do what you don't want to do to come up with the results you want. And another thing is I don't really have no where to buy good soils and fertilizers for cannabis where I live if you have any suggestions of something that I can get from a Home Depot Lowe's or Walmart that would be awesome but as far as I can tell there's nothing. The notes that you mentioned in your post are they a start to finish newt


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It's a little late to do a screen of green with those plants. They look like they've stretched significantly and when doing a screen of green you want to start training the plant much earlier. You want it to grow into the screen.

You should be able to get a bale of Promix HP at Home Depot or Lowes. Many people use that straight or add additional perlite or other stuff like worm castings, compost, etc.... You can get just about any nutrient online in a couple days. Go with a one part, two part, or three part and skip additives for now. Follow the feeding instructions at reduced strength. Feed - water - water - feed, etc... That can be changed to more feeding if plants look hungry or more plain watering if plants start showing signs of overfertilization.

Megacrop is a one part - very simple to use

VitaGrow is three part -very simple to use with the added benefit of being able to customize since it's split in three parts.

Good luck
Well what method would you suggest to get the most yield out of these since I've already got them started

Pretty much any balanced nutrient in proper doses. The best thing you could do for those last two plants you posted would be to give them more light. They're getting pretty lanky. Maybe supercrop them above the second node from the top. But they need more light. They need that more than anything.
It's a little late to do a screen of green with those plants. They look like they've stretched significantly and when doing a screen of green you want to start training the plant much earlier. You want it to grow into the screen.

You should be able to get a bale of Promix HP at Home Depot or Lowes. Many people use that straight or add additional perlite or other stuff like worm castings, compost, etc.... You can get just about any nutrient online in a couple days. Go with a one part, two part, or three part and skip additives for now. Follow the feeding instructions at reduced strength. Feed - water - water - feed, etc... That can be changed to more feeding if plants look hungry or more plain watering if plants start showing signs of overfertilization.

Megacrop is a one part - very simple to use

VitaGrow is three part -very simple to use with the added benefit of being able to customize since it's split in three parts.

Good luck
When you say go with a one part ,two part,or three part and skip additives for now. What did you mean sorry I'm not up to speed on it. And do you know about what ratio to use worm castings, compost,and perlite to a bale of pro mix HP. And thanks again for all the help
One part nutrients are everything in one part.
Two part nutrients are split into two usually a grow and bloom where you use both but more grow during veg and more bloom during flower.
Three part nutrients are split into three parts. Typically one part for nitrogen, one part for micronutients and one part for potassium and phosphorous. You mix them in different quantities depending on the plants stage of growth.

one, two, and three part nutrients will all typically supply everything a plant needs to grow.

Additives and boosters are things that people use to supplement their grow. They have names like bud blaster, cha ching, silica blast, etc... and are not intended as a main source of plant nutrition. Until you've mastered a couple of grows it's best to keep things simple and stick with just the base nutrients.

Promix HP already has perlite in it so if you add more it's good to use the chunky perlite not the fine.

Just off the top of my head
2 parts promix
1 part perlite
1 part worm castings
1 part compost

But why not keep it simple for now and just buy some Happy Frog or other good quality ready to go soil?
One part nutrients are everything in one part.
Two part nutrients are split into two usually a grow and bloom where you use both but more grow during veg and more bloom during flower.
Three part nutrients are split into three parts. Typically one part for nitrogen, one part for micronutients and one part for potassium and phosphorous. You mix them in different quantities depending on the plants stage of growth.

one, two, and three part nutrients will all typically supply everything a plant needs to grow.

Additives and boosters are things that people use to supplement their grow. They have names like bud blaster, cha ching, silica blast, etc... and are not intended as a main source of plant nutrition. Until you've mastered a couple of grows it's best to keep things simple and stick with just the base nutrients.

Promix HP already has perlite in it so if you add more it's good to use the chunky perlite not the fine.

Just off the top of my head
2 parts promix
1 part perlite
1 part worm castings
1 part compost

But why not keep it simple for now and just buy some Happy Frog or other good quality ready to go soil?
I'm trying to get by on a small budget and was just trying to see if I could get more bang for my Bucky by mi
I use ProMix HP and it doesn't need any added perlite.

Using it and adding compost, worm castings etc and feeding hyydro nutes is a losers game. Just go with HP and the hydro nutes. Mix your nutes no stronger than half in preferably RO water and pH to 6-6.5 if needed. Feed every 2nd watering unless the plants need more. I'll move them to larger pots when they need water sooner than every 48 hours and they end up in #5 pots which hold about 4gal.

I found a great spot to download FREE POT BOOKS. I downloaded a grow bible first and got lots more. Books look great and complete like the real ones I have here. No web site but just a page of links. Just right click on what you want and then "Save Link As" to download so they don't open first as some are 50+ megs. They got lots. Enjoy.
