Need one last pure fire strain.suggestions?

Legit seed bank, you can order only a few seeds of each strain you want to try. If its from a reputable breeder, only a few seeds are needed to find a winner or to know whether you like this kind of weed.

Id recommend any Archive or Bodhi that suites your taste, both have had access to some of the best genetics in the US or in the world.

Over the years, I ve grown more strains than most closet growers (thousands of seeds, hundreds of strains / seed lines) and all I can say is don't think think you are gonna find your keepers by growing the next variety you think is going to be it. It takes years to fill a garden with keepers and the more strains you grow the quicker it happens. That's why I have really enjoyed shopping on single seed marijuana Canada for many years now.

Every single plant I have grown from them has always matched the description.

I have not grown enough pure indicas to point you in the right direction so I am not going to suggest anything else then a good seed bank to check out for Canadians.
Hell yeah Amos, telling him how it's done.
Although I think he may have asked for a seedbank in canada? I think the only one I know of is true north seed bank. Never ordered from there cause I ain't Canadian. But they got paradise seeds sensi star, an old school indica
Or try some canuk seeds looks like they got some decent kushes.
There's others, Peakseedsbc, DrGreenthumb and a couple more who've been around a while.
Dynasty Salmon River OG - The bubba pheno is bad as fuck, to throw out another alternative. It is kushlicious, my #1 if that's your jam.

One pack left at The Dank Team, or whatever they are called this week. I actually want it but will probably resist the urge...for now
Sannies is a great breeder, but I haven't ordered from him in several years. Idk if he still sells extrema (chemdxherijuana),but that is what you're looking for. Also, his k.o. kush was good too. Overall, it sounds like you want a good bubba. True bubba done rightis timeless
elite613geneticsseedbank on IG..they also have a website google search it or look for the thread on seedbank reviews section..get somee thug pug or archive, or cannarado or whatever ..they are in ontario fast shipping i got tracking same day..paid with pp and showed up in 2 days..after ordering from UK & many state side seedbanks i cant complain about a 2 day wait with no worries about customs and getting the same beans i was after..sooner :eyesmoke:
Dynasty Salmon River OG - The bubba pheno is bad as fuck, to throw out another alternative. It is kushlicious, my #1 if that's your jam.

One pack left at The Dank Team, or whatever they are called this week. I actually want it but will probably resist the urge...for now
dynasty platinum huckleberry cookies is amazing also and yes salmon river og is amazing
Motarebel is about to release some SFV OGx SFV OGon eliteoregonseeds and I think the dankteam. If I were you I'd hop on that before they run out.

SFV OG is some of the strongest shit I've ever smoked. and its from Motarebel.

I'd ignore the Sannie Haters, apparently some people are butthurt about some beef that happened like over 20 years ago. Probably the best plant I ever grew was from one of Sannies Sugar Punches. Is world class genetics, with prices aimed at giving and sustainability, not profit.

Resent 2 of my orders 3 x so it would get here, is a good dude.
NAW seeds on their site also has some new indicas on their so I'd check that out too, $25 10 packs, and don't think their genetics are anything short of these ppl selling them at 100-250.