Need opinion on grow pics available yell me what you guts think


I can't get my temp under 90 constant it's always fluctuating. My humidity is usually good at around 50% growth is beautiful but I think it can be better due to the high temps any advice is greatly appreciated!


I have the same problem in the summer, i think most budget growers doo. you need to run your lights at the coolest time. And suck in a shit ton of the cold air in ( i am recommending night time). Sometimes i delay sertent lights from coming on untill the room temp can handle it. I run 4 600 watt HPS and it seems like if its 74 in there then the lights come on its 86. its always about 12 degrees hotter when lights are on, for me at least.


Well-Known Member
i agree with dan87 i struggle with this to i had to switch about a month ago to nite mine go 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. the first few hours are a touch high like 86ish but once the heat of the day starts to leave i get back down to 80 82 and lights off back to 70 72 74ish so i also have a 10 12 drop. also air cooled hoods help.


Well-Known Member
Don't grow indoors in the summer unless you have AC. I gave up and now only grow winter, fall and spring. I finish everything by Memorial day, and then it's lights off until September. Also, way fewer pests to deal with in the colder months. Good luck.