Need opinions on milk...


Well-Known Member
So my dumb ass left a few half gallons of 1% milk in the trunk of my car last night, not realizing it until about 2 in the afternoon today. Is it safe to drink? Temp was probably mid 60's at time of dumbassedness with over night lows around 53-55. Temps at time of remembrance was 75-80. Immediately put into fridge.
I know its pretty light hearted on here, and not to be a buzz kill, my wife is 35 weeks pregnant and needs to know if it's drinkable.
If you ever find yourself questioning and a situation arises where a blatant nose to hole diagnosis cannot be attained. Try finger smell method.
It will go bad long before the expiry date - probably would last about 3 days.

But never risk it with a preggo.

As long as you're not pregnant OP, test er out. Worst thing that will happen is it'll curdle in your coffee or taste like shit.