3.5 gal. office trashs sell for less that $4 each at Staples. They have an excellent rectangular shape that makes them perfect for set up under that 600 watt HID - you can set up 12 under that lamp, all with better than 5000 candela illuminaance. Use a power drill and a half-inch wood bit to cut 8 drain holes in the bottom of each. Get 1 gallon water jugs from Fresh and Easy (5.5 inches square) and cut off the tops - they make perfect one gallon grow pots (plus you get to the distilled water). Run a line of 7 one gallon pots down each side of the 12 3-gal pots and hang a single double 40w ftube flouro above - once again, you will have right about 5000 candela for each 1 galllon pot. After you cull the males, just use the 3 gallon pots and take down the flouros - you should be able to get 7-9 sq. ft. of dense canopy for flowering.
Hydro? IMHO: hydro is too expensive, too easy for something to go wrong and ruin the whole crop, and (worst of all) too hard to speedily break down and hide if necessary (like if a workman needs to repair something or else should the Sheriff ever start pounding on the front door).