
Active Member
BASICALLY...I am on suboxone. Suboxone is used to treat people with opiate addictiosn PHYSICAL addictions that will physiccally make you not function. One day I ran out early. I think my doctor was away or something. And I WANTED suboxone..but all I could get was a bag of dope (heroin)...SO...I did it. It actually was a half assed bag. No real potency. Just made me not sick till my doctor was home.

2days later (51 hours actually) I went to my xanax doctor. He knows Im on suboxone...and I have HONEST TO GOD ANXIETY. Passed out driving once and hit a tree and everything. I hav records going back 7 years of anxiety and taking them...and yup...he is the ONLY person that will write an RX anymore due to all the assholes faking anxiety to get "totally fucked up brah!". I know I should be sympathetic beiing an ex heorin adict..but atleast I copped off the street. Didnt fake being sick whne not.

ANYWAY. He drug testd me. Now suriseingly it wasn't urine (wtf?) was blood and saliva. Now wiki says its 2-3 days jsut like urine. But wiki can be edited bya nyone..this site which is a rehab center says it only lasts 12 hours (I HOPE)...its 6 months since the test. I have been copping my xanax off the street due to the fact that every doctor basically actsl ike I asked for a vial of crack when I tel lthem I have legit anxiety. But ya...Im going to go back. See whats up. I have no choice

SO YA...blood and saliva tests...12 hours or up to 72 like wiki says? I have a relativley slow metabolism btw.

EDIT I didtnt go back for 6 months cause I assumed I failed but when I made the appointment the secratary siad nothing and actually asked how I was doing and all.


Active Member
What do you have anxiety over, being a heroin addict?
OH GEE YOU ARE SO CLEVER! (although maybe it contributed?). To be honest people like you make me very violent and is the reason why I have spent more than a few ocassions in a cell.

I was a witness to a double homicide and afterwards the people tried to kill me in fear of snitching. My father raped my sister (made me watch)..and actualyl anxiety is a GABA serotonin disorder that can affect anyone for no real reason.(that I had way before my addiction) It is also hereditary and my mother,grandmother, great grandfather al lhad it. They all (except my great grandfather but he WAS an alcoholic) had been prescribed valium to the day they died.

I don't desever that kin of talk, and frankly I expected more open mindedness from a forum of people who like marijuana. Im not compaing marijuana to heroin..Im jsut saying most people who smoke are chileld open minded people. Besides I got help for my addiction and besides form that one time in my 5 years in recovery (and that was my dcotrs fault honestly)...I never once slipped up.

So obviously you have some kind of insecurity youfeel the need to cover up by projecting it on to me...but please take your negativitiy somewhere else. Thanks.

AND EVEN IF I DIDNT GET HELP..let's say I was stil la junkie. Who is it hurting? No one. Just me. You are probably one of those people who think the war on drugs is GREAT and that the government has the right to tel lepopel what can and go in there bodys.

Anyway you should research the subject before making accusations and false statements, it makes you appear to be uneducated, rude, and frankly a dick. I hope your karma improves..but doubt it.


Ursus marijanus
ADK, I'd say fifty-fifty on detection. I think that's what you're asking. How did you run out of Suboxone? cn


Ursus marijanus
Doctors father died, went to india. I really didnt want to go to the hospital. They fucking freak me out man.
Wow. That is tough. I have two thoughts.
1) should you test dirty, explain to the testing doc. i would accept your circumstances as extenuating.
2) Arrange a backup plan with your prescribing doc for any future access emergencies. He'll understand the need to be covered against a gap. cn


Active Member
Wow. That is tough. I have two thoughts.
1) should you test dirty, explain to the testing doc. i would accept your circumstancxes as attenuating.
2) Arrange a backup plan with your prescribing doc for any future access emergencies. He'll understand the need to be covered against a gap. cn

Thanks for your honest concern and thoughs +rep. Honestly if it does show up...I think I may just have to. The problem is I'm afraid if I do he'll notify my other doctor nd he could cut me off suboxone (circumstances and all.) But after this happend..a friend with a RX who sells, I bought her whole RX so I am covered up to two weeks if this should happen again.


Active Member
Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the cardboard box today?

People like me? I asked a question, does being a heroin addict give you anxiety? I wouldn't blame you! First you have to figure out what street corner to get your dope from, then you have to scrounge around your encampment for a needle, find a vein that hasn't collapsed?!?! It's a lot of work I would imagine, especially if you forget to feed yourself as most addicts do. So people like me ask a simple question, and we are attacked by a deranged drug fueled psychopath? Yea I would imagine you have spent some time in jail for that.

Don't be a snitch.

Cool story brah. Sounds like any children you have will be fortunate enough to have a mandate from birth that they shall be medicated until they die like you and the rest of your family, right?

Love it when someone says, the doctor wouldn't give me drugs, so I relapsed, it's their fault. Yes totally, doctors fault. Sue them.

Yes I'm insecure. If only I could be as secure as you by taking opiates and other prescription drugs... Then I'd be totally secure.

No, you can do what you want. You sound like a burden on society so please help yourself vein first to the largest pile of heroin you can afford.

And what do you know about my karma? Seems to be better than yours. I'm not shooting up heroin and asking how long it will be in my system so I can get other drugs.


Yeah you are right. You seem like a REALLY nice guy who I obviously (due to my idiocy and having a computer in my cardboard box??) spoiled a chance to make friends with. Stupid me. I really don't care what you think. I genuinely wish you the best in working on your attitude and you can say whatever you want..I am not replying. I need help...not an argument with every 12 year old who feels liek Al Capon behind a keyboard.

And way to prove how secure you are with yourself by acting totally insecure. And I never said I wasn't...I jsut am obviously not as pathetic as you to have to try to insult outher people to make myself feel better. Anyway it's too bad your NOT on heavy drugs. Atleast it would explain your remarks...nope. Your jsut a nasty person. No drugs involved. And I reported you twice. There is no need to be like this for no reason at all. No one is impressed. You are embaressing yourself. Now carry on. Say whatever you like. I have nothing else to say to someone ho obviously has WAY more issues than me.


Ursus marijanus
View attachment 2411188

Yeah you are right. You seem like a REALLY nice guy who I obviously (due to my idiocy and having a computer in my cardboard box??) spoiled a chance to make friends with. Stupid me. I really don't care what you think. I genuinely wish you the best in working on your attitude and you can say whatever you want..I am not replying. I need help...not an argument with every 12 year old who feels liek Al Capon behind a keyboard.
lol! Even if it was not deliberate, that's quite the bitchslap. A capon ~giggle~ cn


bud bootlegger
heyo andrew, next time i'd recommend posting things of this nature in the Hallucinatory Substances section as you will probably avoid the trolls and get a response from someone who has been through what you have or something close..

just my $.02


Active Member
lol! Even if it was not deliberate, that's quite the bitchslap. A capon ~giggle~ cn

LOL! I didn't even realize the error XD...hahaha!

And yea racerboy..I didn't know where to post it. Toke n talk seemed better. I don't mind trolls. But this guy just needs a hug.


Ursus marijanus
heyo andrew, next time i'd recommend posting things of this nature in the Hallucinatory Substances section as you will probably avoid the trolls and get a response from someone who has been through what you have or something close..

just my $.02
lot of former spouses of the poppy there, yeah. cn


Active Member
Thanks man. Hugs from heroin addicts always cheer me up.
I know I said I was ignoring you..but after how obviously angry and disturbed you are..I wondered "Why?" I looked at your profile and've argued with pretty much everyone on here. There is maybe like 3 posts where you don't argue and insult and talk about "your tax dollar" (even though I have private insurance and pay for my medications)...why? Why come to a palce where you hate everyone and obviously the feeling is mutual? Do you really have NOTHING else to do?...

And I ARE aware this is a marijuana site right? And also a sit about other substances? Why would you get angry about people on drugs on a drug site?



Well-Known Member
Have a heart, menschenskind. The Suboxone is his vouchsafe that he's working to un-smack. cn
lol. I had to do a translation of menschenskind, and thought vouchsafe was German as well. Ok.

I know I said I was ignoring you..but after how obviously angry and disturbed you are..I wondered "Why?" I looked at your profile and've argued with pretty much everyone on here. There is maybe like 3 posts where you don't argue and insult and talk about "your tax dollar" (even though I have private insurance and pay for my medications)...why? Why come to a palce where you hate everyone and obviously the feeling is mutual? Do you really have NOTHING else to do?...

And I ARE aware this is a marijuana site right? And also a sit about other substances? Why would you get angry about people on drugs on a drug site?


Me arguing with "pretty much everyone on here" is an over broad generalization. I think you're too dope sick to understand what you're reading in my posts. Many of them are heated debates, you can call them arguments if you like, but just because you go pack 10 posts form my 2000+ from the last 4-5 years doesn't mean you have even a fraction of an understanding of how I conduct myself on message boards. I don't hate everyone, but I am pleased to now that RIU has nominated you as House Speaker to say everyone hates me. Work is slow, and I have free access to a comp, so to be honest at these times no I am stuck where I am sitting.

Exactly this is a marijuana site. With one forum for hallucinatory substances. You're not there, you're in Toke n Talk. Not Shoot Up n Talk.


Active Member
lol. I had to do a translation of menschenskind, and thought vouchsafe was German as well. Ok.

Me arguing with "pretty much everyone on here" is an over broad generalization. I think you're too dope sick to understand what you're reading in my posts. Many of them are heated debates, you can call them arguments if you like, but just because you go pack 10 posts form my 2000+ from the last 4-5 years doesn't mean you have even a fraction of an understanding of how I conduct myself on message boards. I don't hate everyone, but I am pleased to now that RIU has nominated you as House Speaker to say everyone hates me. Work is slow, and I have free access to a comp, so to be honest at these times no I am stuck where I am sitting.

Exactly this is a marijuana site. With one forum for hallucinatory substances. You're not there, you're in Toke n Talk. Not Shoot Up n Talk.

Yeah you are right. Posts on a message board wouldn't show how you behave on a message board.

And I honestly had to scroll down for a good few minutes to find one post where you weren't argueing with someone. Don't believe me? Go look.

And correct. Toke N Talk. Not talk and cry.


Ursus marijanus
lol. I had to do a translation of menschenskind, and thought vouchsafe was German as well. Ok.
It might be a regionalism from my parents' place of origin. It's supposed to mean "dude" or "mensch" approximately, with affection. The translations i'm finding have a much more negative spin in the direction of "wtf". That I definitely didn't intend. cn


bud bootlegger
lol. I had to do a translation of menschenskind, and thought vouchsafe was German as well. Ok.

Me arguing with "pretty much everyone on here" is an over broad generalization. I think you're too dope sick to understand what you're reading in my posts. Many of them are heated debates, you can call them arguments if you like, but just because you go pack 10 posts form my 2000+ from the last 4-5 years doesn't mean you have even a fraction of an understanding of how I conduct myself on message boards. I don't hate everyone, but I am pleased to now that RIU has nominated you as House Speaker to say everyone hates me. Work is slow, and I have free access to a comp, so to be honest at these times no I am stuck where I am sitting.

Exactly this is a marijuana site. With one forum for hallucinatory substances. You're not there, you're in Toke n Talk. Not Shoot Up n Talk.
i tried googling the a capon thing as well, but my computer took a dump and i simply gave up.. :D


Well-Known Member
You could just not do anything other than weed. And if there's no way to pass the test by only smoking marijuana, then don't smoke. Gotta make sacrifices in life sometimes. Winners do what losers won't.