Need Outdoor Grow Advice!!


Active Member
My friends and I are getting ready to grow a huge outdoor grow. we live in Northeastern U.S. (New Hampshire, Maine, Mass. area) and we are buying around 60 feminized seeds. We are not sure how long the seeds will take to get here, so we are leaving about a month for delivery, but we need to know if we should start growing inside first for a few weeks, to get the sprouts strong enough for outside. We are going to grow Medi Bud, which is a new strain I guess, and I can't find much info on them.

Basically, is it worth trying to grow 60 plants for a few weeks inside (which will be very hard for us because it would have to be stealth:neutral:) or do we just plant them as seeds outside in bags, and hope they don't get squished? We will probably surround the plants with chicken wire before they grow, but we want a huge yeild, so any ideas?

Thanks a ton guys! We will start a grow journal when we get closer to grow time.:joint:


Active Member
Well if the highs and lows (temps) are gonna be really drastic when you get them then it'll be pretty hard to start em outside, but if your temps staying pretty constant, and you don't expect snow haha, well it'll be harder then planting inside but with 60 plants...


Active Member
Dude start them inside. germinate and plant in small cups or something. Grow them inside for a while, slowly start putting them outside for a few hours during the day, and increase them time they spend outside slowly as they begin to get tougher. to be honest you should let them get to be about a foot tall before leaving them somewhere out in the woods. Id dig holes and plant them with good potting soil right into the ground if i where you. make sure its at a spot with plenty of light and that you and your friends get them water 2-3 times per week until they get to be strong. Obviously if it rains the nyou wont need to manually get them water. You and your buddies should pee in the area of your crop whenever you go so deer dont make a meal outta your little ones.. Work on keeping them alive strong so that they can do their thing. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Yea starting them inside is really the way to go if you can do it. Or maybe a more realistic idea in your situation is to start as many as you can inside, and then start the rest outside. That's not the best, but it's a compromise of sorts.

I'm doing a similar outdoor grow (New England as well) with a friend, but only 20-30 plants (non-fem). We're starting 20 plants indoors under a 400 watt MH for like 5-6 weeks, then moving outside. We may do an additional 10 plants that are auto-flowering that would be a fully outdoor grow.

Good luck with your grow! Sounds like you got some good stuff planned!


Well-Known Member
Thats a pretty serious grow man, so be careful.

I would just start them off outside, 60 plants, its really not worth it to try and stealthy sprout them. Going to need alot of light, ventilation, etc. Just germinate them, and get them outside if the temperatures are nice.

You going to do them in pots? or into the ground?


Active Member
i'm also a new englander hoping to get a good outdoor harvest... when's a good time to start your plants outside? i got a late start (june 6th)


Well-Known Member
I got a 100% sprout and take off ratio when I started my plants outside.

I germinated them in paper towels till there was a little bit (1/4 inch or so) of roots sticking out. Dropped then in sum party cups with slightly packed down soil (first I used sifted topsoil from the woods, which seems to have grown my strongest plants.but then i went to commercial soil like miracle gro)

put the sprouts in an area w/ lots of direct light till they have bout 3-5 sets of leaves then move to a secluded area (if needed, or keep where they are)

Once they got to big for the cups I trans planted into 1 galon clay pots and edited 2 liter bottles.

All are doing well.

But for 60 plants, this method may be a challenge.