Need real advice from parents with autistic children

It’s a little early yet to say as she’s only been taking it a week so far, but she says she does feel some better and has an easier time getting out of bed in the mornings. I’m going to make her some tincture next round. Just wish I could find some everclear. The best alcohol I can get is like 76%.

Try ebay or a web search. As long as it's food grade ethanol, it can be shipped almost anywhere. States only seem to have restrictions on drinking spirits, not those used in manufacturing or research (which don't get taxed).
It’s a little early yet to say as she’s only been taking it a week so far, but she says she does feel some better and has an easier time getting out of bed in the mornings. I’m going to make her some tincture next round. Just wish I could find some everclear. The best alcohol I can get is like 76%.

plenty of everclear my way mate, i've also used moonshine as well.
I would if I could, I was born in Ventura and have a bunch of family in the areas of Santa Paula and Lompoc, but due to the custody situation with my step kids we can’t just up and move, I’d never think about leaving them, nor asking my wife to do so.
We love our kids! I was offered a job in Brazil, turned it down due to custody issues. Would’ve been an exciting life but I wouldn’t have gotten to see my oldest grow up
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