Need recommendations on Fertilizer for flowering phase


Well-Known Member
Any suggestions on a good over-the counter (ie. available at Lowes/HD, etc) fertilizer for indoor growing during the flowering phase? Also, how far into flowering should I go before introducing the fertilizer?

If nothing worth messing with is available OTC, Any suggestions on other nutes would be appreciated.



Active Member
Flora Nova nutes are good, they have one for Veg and one for flower. For my flower right now I'm using Earth Juice Bloom and Earth Juice Microblast.

I haven't heard or seen anything worth while at the local HD or Lowes. Try a local nursery or Hydro shop, they are gonna have what you really want if you want to get a decent yield. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Any suggestions on a good over-the counter (ie. available at Lowes/HD, etc) fertilizer for indoor growing during the flowering phase? Also, how far into flowering should I go before introducing the fertilizer?

If nothing worth messing with is available OTC, Any suggestions on other nutes would be appreciated.

The internet is your friend.

Like yourself I am very frustrated as to availability of quality soil and fertilizers at local stores.

I drove 2 hours one way just to get some Fox Farm soil.

Nutes I ordered on line

But to answer your question, a good flowering fertilizer is Neptune's Harvest

You will get many different views on fertilizers, it all depends also on whether you grow organic or chemical


Well-Known Member
I have no problem with chemicals if they increase quality and yield!!!!

I think HTG carries that Neptune's Harvest -- I might give that a try.
