Need root help, quick


I just transplanted from a 1.5 gal pot to a 3gal pot 1 week ago. My kids are only 9" tall and looking great. I'm growing in a soil/organic mix, watering well about once every 5 days. The week after the transplant the roots are coming out of the bottom of the pots! What gives? Only 9" tall and already outgrowing 3 gallon pots... Any help would be great as I don't have the room to put them into 5 gallon buckets. I'm confused, frustrated and excited that they're doing so well, but the roots are tearing it up!

Any ideas or suggestions to my next move? Maybe I need to be watering more often?


Well-Known Member
Try watering more often with less water dude. That may help. I know that when you starve your plants of water. Well not really starve but make then wait longer the soil drys out. Which makes roots grow like crazy seeking for water. Dont worry about transplanting again. Just keep it in that pot and water more reg with less water. That should help. Also try watering around the sides of the pot instead of just the plant. Your roots will spread. Just give them time.


I was going to do that, but when I feel the soil it's still pretty damp, even a few inches down. I was going to water tonight (after 5days) and it was still damp, then I looked at the bottoms and saw some fatties coming out of the holes. Should I lift them up to get the roots back inside the pots, or leave or leave it as is?


Well-Known Member
no just leave it. If the roots have gone out the bottom u have plenty. Just leave it be... when u water how much are u watering? And how big are ur drainage holes lol


I'm giving them 1/3 - 1/2 gal of water for each feeding in the 3 gal buckets. The holes are pretty small. I just drilled about 12 holes with the largest drill bit I had. 1/4" I think


Well-Known Member
That is alot of holes lol. I got like 5-6 holes in each pale that are smaller then that. But i water mine once every 2-3 days. What lights u got on them?


2 t-8 6500k 2700 lumens each and 4 26w 6500k 1600 lumens each cfl's in 4 sq ft of space. After I drilled them I realized they were probably a bit large and a few too many, bbut I just wanted to make sure drainage wasn't going to be a problem, and it sure isn't, seeing as the damn roots are looking for a new home!


Well-Known Member
The roots circle the perimeter of the container, thats all. Thats why you leave them in a small container and work your way up. (which you did). By doing that the roots will be thick and strong and a nice ball then moved into a bigger container the new roots will circle that container, but you will have a root mass right in middle of pot.


So should I flower them soon so the roots don't outgrow this pot too? Or would it be safe leaving them be until they get to about 12-14"? That's what I was aiming for.


Thanks for the uber fast reply's! I posted some questions at a couple other sights, and NOBODY responded, even after 50 + views of my posts. I was hoping this place was different, and I was right, excellent! They're 5 weeks old from seed at the moment, I'm just starting to see the beginnings of pre-flowers, let's hope they're ladies.

I think I may have transplanted them a little to early in the first place, I was just freeked out a little because the roots were coming out on the previous 1 gal pots too.


I started 2 seedlings out in that size cup, and a few started in the 1 gal pots. The ones started in the cups are about 1/2 the size of the others at the moment, I'm still baffled by this. But, I think I transplanted the ones in the cups to late, let them grow for 3 1/2 weeks in those.... and they were only about 2/3 full of soil.

I was going to toss them but thought I'd give them the benefit of the doubt and transplant them into the 3 gal pots just to see the difference from the others.