Need second opinion

Fast dog

Well-Known Member
My friend has been having problems overwatering his plants he's 6 weeks into veg in 5 gals using soil etc.... I've tried pinning the problem down for a week done all the usual steps, now this morning he decided to tell me when he transpanted he put a layer or vermiculite at the bottom because he thought it would help with drainage. I know vermiculite retains a lot of moisture and I think this is his problem but before I uproot the fuckers to try and take it all out id like to be 100% sure it is this


Mr black thumb

Well-Known Member
Just let them dry up and water less? I'm not a big fan of messing with the roots especially in 5 gal buckets to easy for root damage and unessary stress on the plant. Drill more holes in the pot sides and all , it will allow air to help remove the moisture from the soil and it works as a air pruner for the roots


Well-Known Member
How big are the plants? With 2 people you should be able to just lay it on its side it, pull it out of the bucket, - dirt, rootball and all,- clean out the vermiculite, add rocks, stone, dirt, etc, then put it back in. I've pulled 3'+ plants like this, even a 5' avacado tree I needed to root prune.

What soil did he use? Most needs to be mixed heavily with perlite, etc, otherwise it's too compact and holds to much moisture.

Fast dog

Well-Known Member
Plants are about 2.5 ft tall but really bushy I made a little jig and we pulled the pots of and it was fairly wet at the bottom I tried pulling out what vermiculite I could without damaging to many of the roots there was maybe an inch thick there's about 5mm now and I replaced it with some more soil and just mixed it in hopefully this will sort it