Need serious help with first time grow!!


Well-Known Member
Wow what strain is that group of really dark purple plants? They are amazing!
That is shishkaberry, the budz are covered in crystals! The breeder told me shes a crap shoot. I t grows like a monster but doesnt yeild the best but the buds are amazing quality. He called it a connisseur strain. Theres alot of great leaves that are covered in tricombes on it that will make hash so its not that bad that there wont be alot of bud but your right, the buds are turning dark with age. Im excited. Here they are spread out as of recently :)
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After finding my way out.. i went home and transplanted my little ones into new pots and fresh soil(miracle grow moisture control). I will post new pictures tomorrow for everyone. They dont seem to really be doing any better but they dont look like they are getting much worse either. Im thinking there was some root rot going on because when i pulled them out the outer soil and everything was nice and dry but right in the center around the roots it was like wet built up clay. the new leaves look like they are turning into the bigger ones.


Well-Known Member
Well they look like shit for now but theyll get better. Just dont over water them just cause they have a big container. Theyre only little so you dont need to flood all the soil, just where they are :)


Well-Known Member
the first soil you had was miracle grow potting soil i recognize that soil anywhere. the miracle grow moisture control is better then their potting mix but it still has time release nutrients already mixed into it so it might still be too hot for seedlings. the only thing you can do now is wait it out, when the plants get bigger itll be able to tolerate the fertilizer thats already in the soil and after about 4 weeks the fertilizers are mostly gone. even though it says 'feeds for up to 6 months' on the bag the ferts leech out in about 4 weeks from my experience.

whenever i use any miracle grow soil for flowers or veggies i always flush the soil out first with a heavy watering then let it dry out some and flush it again. itll get most of the ferts out.

for anyone who is starting out i always recommend bag seeds and save your money for lights and other essential equipment.


Just checked on the plants today, i dont want to speak to soon, but they looking very nice. I really want to thank all of you who have gave me all the great advice. I will definitely put some new pictures up later today.


Well-Known Member
Just checked on the plants today, i dont want to speak to soon, but they looking very nice. I really want to thank all of you who have gave me all the great advice. I will definitely put some new pictures up later today.
Right on bro, just dont fek with them too much and dont worry and they will be just fine. Keep on reading, smart dads make big babies ;)


Are you positive you haven`t added nutrients?? Because it looks like too much Miracle Grow to me. If that`s not the case try adding a few minerals to your soil. The Ph would have to be way off to cause this so quickly, in fact that doesn`t seem likely. Maybe your water was contaminated. Best I can do.


Well-Known Member
After replanting in nutrient rich soil i wouldnt add anything until you see how the plants are reacting IMPO :):):)


Here are some pictures of what they look like. The first photo is the one that is just growing like crazy and the other plant has just really been moving along very slow. But im patient so thats all good. IMG_3788.jpgIMG_3789.jpgIMG_3791.jpgIMG_3792.jpgIMG_3793.jpgIMG_3794.jpgIMG_3797.jpg


Well-Known Member
They look like theyre out growing the light burn nicely. They are going to grow quite well in the next couple weeks. Ttyl :):):)


Active Member
Are you positive you haven`t added nutrients?? Because it looks like too much Miracle Grow to me. If that`s not the case try adding a few minerals to your soil. The Ph would have to be way off to cause this so quickly, in fact that doesn`t seem likely. Maybe your water was contaminated. Best I can do.
NOOOO Dude do you want the OP's plants to go into shock. To the Op you just changed your plants soil. PATIENCE!! Let your plants get used to the new environment. Do small adjustments over long times. Give them time to tell you what they need. Dont just throw shit at it because its not looking how you want. Just my 2....


Just started to smell yesterday(day 21 of veg) and they have just been exploding with growth since i transplanted. Took 7 days for soil to dry out for more watering so i have a pretty good idea now of when they should be watered but i wont stick to that schedule im just going to water when they look or the soil feels like they need to be so i dont do any over watering again. Don't have any new pictures yet but will have them up sometime later today for you all. Im thinking of making a rubbermaid grow box for a little more space. If ianyone has any good advice on making one i would love to hear your thoughts. I have looked all around and have a rough idea of what i am going to do i just wanted to hear what everyone had to say before going through with it(most likely will make a new thread for the topic).


Well-Known Member
Just started to smell yesterday(day 21 of veg) and they have just been exploding with growth since i transplanted. Took 7 days for soil to dry out for more watering so i have a pretty good idea now of when they should be watered but i wont stick to that schedule im just going to water when they look or the soil feels like they need to be so i dont do any over watering again. Don't have any new pictures yet but will have them up sometime later today for you all. Im thinking of making a rubbermaid grow box for a little more space. If ianyone has any good advice on making one i would love to hear your thoughts. I have looked all around and have a rough idea of what i am going to do i just wanted to hear what everyone had to say before going through with it(most likely will make a new thread for the topic).
Sounds good man, ill keep an eye out for ya ;)


(22 days old veg)
Heres the pictures i said i would upload. Im trying to keep them very small and i am just curious as to when i should switch them to 12/12. Is there a rough estimate of about how much a plant will grow during the flowering stage? the are roughly 3.5 to 4 inches tall right now. IMAG0552.jpgIMAG0553.jpgIMAG0554.jpgIMAG0555.jpg