Need Soil Help


Well-Known Member
ok, i am starting a couple of indoor plants. i need good info on soil and ph and all that shit. give me a url or the real advice. videos are fine too.



Well-Known Member
Here's some simple, straight-up advice for you. Buy ProMix Soilless Mix. It is one of the best 'soils' there is for growing cannabis, plus, as long as you use ProMix you don't have to worry about ph. (ProMix contains an agent which buffers ph levels.) Many experienced growers (myself included) swear by it. I've been using it for many many years and have consistently healthy plants with high yields, and, I never check ph. You can use ProMix BX, ProMix HP (the two most popular) but I also use ProMix Potting and Seeding Mix when I can't get the others and it works just as well. It's that easy, really.

Where do you live? I'm not sure where ProMix is available other than Canada ... if it's not available where you live you can make a similar mix yourself. Look up "triple mix" as a start and go from there. Note: Sunshine Mix #4 is also an excellent soil for growing cannabis.


Well-Known Member

Just because you've had some lucky grows, and thus far not had to worry about ph doesn't invalidate it as among the most crucial measurements to your plants health.

An improperly balanced ph will inhibit the absorption of nutrients and minerals, can cause stunted growth, and can cause the death of smaller plants and seedlings.

If you are lucky enough to have a medium that stays balanced and buffered at exactly the right ph level (unlikely, but possible) and be using a water source that is also stable at the same ph level (extremely unlikely unless you are using rainwater) then checking ph levels will make no difference.
For the other 99.9% of us, ignoring ph is just stupid. Yes, you will probably still get bud from your plants, but, at best, you will be trading maximal results for a slightly easier grow. And, in many cases, you'll just stand around scratching your head, wondering why all your plants are "mysteriously" dying around you.


Active Member
look man just get some soil brand new or used it dont really matter if its dry mix with about a cup a water before planting.Thats all u need 2 kno my guy


Well-Known Member
You do need to get a Ph control kit. I went ahead and went to wal mart for my soil, got expert gardener organic, and a bag of worm casting, and a bag of perlite. I mixed it 2-1-1 soil;perlite;worm castings. Things went fine for me. ;D