Need some advice, got my first two strains coming into my grow room today.

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Trainwreck ? where did that spring from ?, Ive got a string of Trainwrteck clones going on, couple rooting right now and a couple flowering at a remote location, this grow gets more interesting by the minute.


Active Member
Train came from a bag of train wreck I got few weeks ago.. was the only seed in the bag. Now the interesting part is it came from the same person who gave me the NL and Lsd cut.. he did.t wanna give up a trainwreck cut tho. I have a feeling the person I got these from is goi.g to shit once im done with these genetics. Not trying to gloat at all but his product I think will be inferior to mine. Only because his growing methods are unorthodox.

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
well growing is like a chain with 5 links---light--growing medium - -- air -- food -- heat---your finished weed will only be as good as the weakest link in that chain.


Active Member
i say unorthodox because he uses tap wauter straight from faucet not room temp etc.. he doesnt have really much air circ on his plants, nothing holding up buds to keep stems from breaking.. gnats also.. he uses no nutes except last 2 weeks of flower.. and some more shit i dont wanna mention.. anyways i like the reference to the chain thats a great way to put it.. OH the Trainwreck i forgot to mention had opened up lastnight sometime.. has four leaves now..


well its nice to see the new addition lol Never grew original trainwreck did manage to grow some Ktrain :bigjoint:


Active Member
Looks like we will be waterthis evening after the lights come on at 930 or when i get up in the morning.. top 2 inches are dry and damp at 3-4 right now..
Going to be ordering this on tuesday.,
should be a nice little tool to have.


Active Member
ok yall heres an update they have grown..ALOT lol.. well the NL has and the seedling.. LSD on the other hand is growing weird.. im about to upload some pix maybe yall can tell me what u think is going on with the LSD and the one fan leaf on the NL tip yellow color.. maybe im paranoid idk.. still have been feeding them straight water in the 707 soil. Some of the LSD leaves are looking weird and as u will see the one fan leaf sticking straight up. ph is pretty normal.. just wondering if u all see any issues i need to handle.. the NL has been getting LST as u will see, and its looking to be a big bastard by the end.


Active Member
20130528_111029.jpg <LSD not sure if you can see the discoloring on the leaves and the fan leaf pointing straight up/ 20130528_111049.jpg > LST the NL20130528_111134.jpg >NL20130528_111149.jpg 20130528_111329.jpg Trainwreck not sure why the side of the leaf is yellowing
so guys and gals zoom in take as look tell me what you think about my babies.. do they seem to need anything are they looking ok do they need nutes etc.. if the pics arent good enough let me know ill take more and focus on the funked up leaves.


Active Member
20130528_111001.jpg better pic of the LSD tring to grab my light.. node spacing is WAY different than the NL and theyve been under the same light the whole time together.. only thing i changed was the 20/4 light schedule to 24 hrs.. that was due to the holiday weekend. we went camping for four days and my timer hasnt come in yet.. they actually seem to like the 24hr schedule better IMO.


well buddy they look nice and healthy i would not worry to much about the train that used to happen to me when i grew in cups .. now i use rockwool cubes for clones or seeds .. the lst NL looks nice and from what i see, dont worry about the LSD thats the skunky x mazar in her lol but yea thats the way my old clones used to grow haha


Active Member
New pics coming up soon.. I transplanted the trainwreck to a 3gal pot i PHHd the water high before hand because of the past soil PH readings of 4.0 (only thing i can think of is a bad batch of soil possibly? owell they r doing fine except my alien looking LSD. Even though i PHd the water high for Trainwreck it still read low in the run off like 4.8 low..

ALSO one last thing im sure i asked on here before but is there anyone else with ideas on what light nutes would be the best for my ladies in this vegetative state?


Active Member
>>weird looking LSD .20130602_152606.jpg<<>transplanted trainwreck<<20130602_152557.jpg>>transplanted>best looking one northern lights20130602_152538.jpgNL continued20130602_152524.jpg >>>20130602_152501.jpg20130602_152449.jpg20130602_152422.jpg<these 3 pics are of the weird growth on the LSD IDK ima newb .. thanks to everyone who has helped me so far its been greatly appreciated.


strain horder

Active Member
depends on who's northern lights you have. If you have Sensi Seed's, it should stay shorter and compact. Dense buds, super frosty but not crazy tall. I have seen other breeders NL get much taller.. I usually do 16 NL per light in 7x7 pots (1000watt light covering a 4x4). I have tried to grow them out larger and do less per light but I had the best luck and largest yields doing 16 per light. I only vegged them 2 weeks and I averaged 2.2 Ounces per plant. When I grew out 9 in larger containers per light and vegged them a month, I averaged 3.2 ounces per plant.

With LSD, it really depends on the pheno type you have. I love growing LSD. I am growing some right now in my garden. I have grown a few different types of phenos with LSD and The medium height pheno that ends up around 3.5 feet tall is my favorite. The real tall pheno wasn't as good in my opinion. If you are growing the shorter pheno, I would veg for around 4 weeks, and I would run 9 per light in 3-5 gallon pots. I run coco.

Northern Lights isnt super picky. It doesn't mind higher garden temps compared to most strains. It seems to like its nutrients so I feed it a bit heavy (1200-1400ppm). If you want to promote color change, it will turn colors with colder temps when lights are off.. LSD is a pretty easy plant that doesn't seem to picky about many things. I go pretty heavy on the nutes with LSD as well as it seems to like a heavy feeding. LSD will give you some funky colors if the temps drop into the mid 60's when lights are out. Never had any disease issues with either except with Northern Lights once. I got some budrot with NL once a few years ago. I think I had a corner spot with poor air circultation and it wound up giving me bud rot in 2 NL's once.. I have never had any bug, disease or any problems with LSD... The hardest part with LSD is trying to find the keeper pheno.. Good luck..


Active Member
well i think i figured out the weird leaves on the LSD.. i had a case of spider mites that just recently got taken care of. i think it could be in shock possibly.. i dont know im just gonna roll with it, ive treated them to the best of what ive learned i was thinking of throwing the ole 1000W hps on in about week 4.. if you look at the most recent pix of the NL you will see ive been using some LST.

Poor LSD looks like an aids patient lol, need to find some veg nutes for them and get my ph up a point but the nl seems to be neverphased thank the growing gods.
Anyways just waiting another day or 2 so i can water with a bit of azamax for pest control and possibly a feeding of nutes the round after soon as i find the right thing.

Thanks alot Horder for the info not sure which cut of NL i have BTW but it sure is thick green and growing great. temps are 71-73 with 55-65 humidity.. AVG. is 72/60
The Trainwreck is weeks younger than the other two but it will go to flower with them so i can get the sex hopefully female and a decent yield since it will be early.

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Good stuff here 2rare,, looking good except maybe as you say for those last 3 pics, that is a little strange looking, still sometimes these mutating type plants can spring a surprise and turn out better than the real McCoy so to speak, watching with interest, good job man.


Active Member
Helloooooooooooo RIIIUUUUU! Been busy working and leaving the prissy one the fat one and the kid alone.
I bought some Advanced Nutrients ORGANIC tea.. I will admit i burnt them very lightly(thank the growing gods!!)
Here are some pics for yall..

ALSO put them back under 1000w mh.. cfl just wasnt giving them the light they require.



Active Member
Thanks a lot.. they've been in veg one month on the 16th, thinking of letting then grow another month. I've been LST the shit outta the NL.. ill get some pictures latee of that it looks like in detail..

With my good raised max height ita 5'8 to my glass on the hood.. SO idk of another month will be ok or not because of the LSD being so lanky.. anyway will post pics this week.
Ta ta!


Active Member
Ok my friends here is an update. . Been really busy wuth the wedding and work.. I switched over to flower yesterday..I'm using MEDI-ONE organic nutes all the way through and nothing else. Do yourselves a favor look up MEDI-ONE and buy it your plants will love you.
Ill update with pics when the light comes on this evening.
Bilbo yiure gna love how they're looking.. NL leaves are full of crystals lsd has doubled in size trainwreck is one healthy biatch.

THANK YOU for following or watching my thread yall.. I wouldn't have made it through my first veg without yall..

P.s. if u decide to get the MEDI ONE dont get it on you, it smells like a thousand dirty assholes.