Need some advice on 1st feeding for auto flower


I am a beginner need to know what should your 1st feeding for Autoflower in light warrior soil...I have flora series nutes, I have rapid start, calmag, floralicious, armor si, bud candy, seeweed concentrate!!! So would like to know what should I be using and how much to a gallon of water
Feed, water , water repeat. They need light feedings so go half of the recommend dose. (For your frist feeding) And you just want to saturate the soil untill you get some runoff.


Well-Known Member
Don't overdue the feeding I accidently stunted one of my autos by feeding to early(week 2) which is normly fine for "normal seeds" but autos don't respond well to overdose and will burn easily, just start off using half recommended dose and see reaction... good luck and like he said make sure to water in between feeding happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Start when white hairs appear. I only use these three. Never have used the crap on the right in green. Don't need it. I start at 4ml/4ml/4ml per gallon and go on from there. Get yourself a syringe.

I'm in FFOF which is a little hotter than the light warrior. In soil the measurements don't need to be exact. In fact, the numbers on my syringe are worn off. I guesstimate.




Well-Known Member
Start with 1/4 strength. You can always up it if need be but if its too strong it will burn and the damage done.

Water, feed, water, feed. Or water, water, feed, water, water, feed.

Water until at least 20% run off to prevent salt buildup and burning.


Well-Known Member
Less is more. Don't use all those gimmicks. Get a good balanced feed with both macro and micro nutrients. No bud swell, unicorn farts or anything like that.

Less is more. Keep is super simple.