Need some advice please


Well-Known Member

First and only grow right now, unfortunately the plant hermied, pollinated itself and it seems to be re-vegging now. Actually I'm not sure if it's re-vegging but from what I read around here, it seems to be the case?

This happened late in flowering, please see the pictures. I tried to check the trichomes using a usb microscope and I can definitely see a few amber ones, but the majority looks cloudy to me and there are some clear heads.

I just need to know if I should wait or is the plant ready for harvest? I don't mind leaving it for longer but I'm not sure if it will help or just cause more harm.




Well-Known Member
Some things that can help with getting you the answer you need are. What latitude are you growing in or if you feel comfortable where are you? When did your plant start flowering and what strain is it, and how long does the breeder claim it takes to flower. It looks like it's revegging to me, possibly from some light pollution perhaps? Do you have deck lights, neighbors lights, is it on your porch? If it's not getting total dark at night the light pollution is causing the intersex problem and flowering delay. It's just a guess based on a quick look and it's a common problem with deck plants.


Well-Known Member
@FirstCavApache64 It's a random bag seed, I have no information regarding the strain or flowering time, but it's been in flowering since late July iirc. It's on my balcony on a 3rd floor and generally there are no light leaks but it might've happened without me noticing. For now I've built an enclosure (not totally closed) to make sure the plant sees no light at night time. Thanks.

@PopAndSonGrows Haha, LST is nice. Thanks.

@Herb & Suds Thanks for the opinion but seedy bud is still bud and its for my personal use. I'll definitely grow more in the future and hopefully I'll do better but for now I'll let this plant go on.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
@FirstCavApache64 It's a random bag seed, I have no information regarding the strain or flowering time, but it's been in flowering since late July iirc. It's on my balcony on a 3d floor and generally there are no light leaks but it might've happened without me noticing. Thanks.

@PopAndSonGrows Haha, LST is nice. Thanks.

@Herb & Suds Thanks for the opinion but seedy bud is still bud and its for my personal use. I'll definitely grow more in the future and hopefully I'll do better but for now I'll let this plant go on.
I have smoked my share of seeded weed but friend there are no buds there


Well-Known Member
@FirstCavApache64 It's a random bag seed, I have no information regarding the strain or flowering time, but it's been in flowering since late July iirc. It's on my balcony on a 3rd floor and generally there are no light leaks but it might've happened without me noticing. For now I've built an enclosure (not totally closed) to make sure the plant sees no light at night time. Thanks.

@PopAndSonGrows Haha, LST is nice. Thanks.

@Herb & Suds Thanks for the opinion but seedy bud is still bud and its for my personal use. I'll definitely grow more in the future and hopefully I'll do better but for now I'll let this plant go on.
Well that puts you at 11 weeks of flower and I'm going to say it's re-vegging due to something. What that is I'm not experienced enough and not in a position to say because I'm not there. I would for sure trim away any leaves that aren't very frosty with trichomes as you are past the needing solar panel stage. You need air flow much more at this point and you need to be able to see what's going on inside that plant as far as mold and pests. I would give it a very heavy defoliation and check the trichomes out once you can really see what it looks like naked. Then make a call on chopping it. It's close to chop for sure though if it started in July and you aren't in Spain or something.


Well-Known Member
Just to show you what I'm talking about this is what mine look like today when I got done with them. You don't have to get quite as extreme because I'm chopping in two days but you should be doing something close at this point in my opinion.IMG_20211013_152812540_MP.jpg