need some advice quick


Well-Known Member
Okay so my friend has 22 plants flowering straight from clone. He has a 400w lumatek hps. I told him i don't think it will be enough light but he thinks otherwise

His space is a 4'x4'3' Space. It's in his closet which is oddly shapped also so the roof slants down in the grow room. So the actual area of the room is 24ft^2.

What is your opinion? Is it enough light? Gracias to all you guys and your help


Well-Known Member
good to know . He is also doing SOG method with a perpetual grow. It's gonna be interesting ill upload some pictures of the room tomorrow


Well-Known Member
I think ya'alls can pull it off! A 400w HPS is more suitable to a 3x3 area, but sometimes u just gotta make what u got work ya know? If at all possible, u should rotated the plants regularly, just so the ones on the outtermost edges don't get left out of that HPS love! Good luck!


Active Member
I am a begginer and need advice i just started my plants saturday and they are now about 3 inches tall but thin and all 4 are in seperate pots and i have a flouresant light on them but they only have a few tiny leaves on each i was wondering if my plants should be that tall that soon and if im doing it right
keep tokn':weed:


Well-Known Member
Get more light and a fan asap! They are stretching already from 1. lack of light. 2. No air flow. 3. ur light is probobly too far away.
First, keep the light u do have as close as possible without burning the plants. A fan putting out a nice breeze will help fatten up the stems.


Active Member
Alright thanks i just recently posted some pictures of what my plants look like im 19 and just started growing this year after 7 years of smoking lol i finally decide to try and grow myself thanks