Need Some Advise/Help PLZ


Active Member
very true.. well i have good news. i find it a little sketchy to grow in an apartment even if its just one plant. so ive moved everything to my friends house. were using one of his basement closets. its about (roughly) 2.6 feet deep and 6 feet long. now we have 5 lights all together. 2 regular floro's about the size of the one you would find above your kitchen sink. one huge cfl bulb, one medium sized bulb and a regular sized cfl you would use in the average outlet.. i will provide bulb specs and pictures soon. so how many plants could be done with this setup? i would think that many lumens and all other light specs added up should do about 4 or 5 plants


could be true! If you did the math, you know better than most! I have never worked with CF's for anything other than vegging, and you dont need much to grow them while in that state. Now that your flowering it'll be interesting to keep track of this grow. I am really curious to see what happens in a few weeks, as I've been pretty skeptical about the quality returned by using CF's in flowering.

Post new pics of the setup when you can!

I'm not sure how the range on those CF's works (as to your question about reflective surface to go with), Is it a cool light or very bright? If you can afford to go Mylar (or even go to Canadian Tire/Wal-mart/Zellers and grab I believe they are called Emergency Blankets [First Aid Kit type stuff] - They are basically just as effective as mylar, might be a few bux saved, not sure.), thats the way to go. White will help too. Make sure you got a handle on the humidity as you dont want your buds closet to start mildewing up. I would water, and wait for the soil to almost completely dry before watering again, and not really soak the plant, but sort of monitor it to see how dry it is and never let it get too wet or too dry (just for the humidity thing - im assuming theres no ventilation really)


Active Member
thanks.. yea. im not new to growing i know a pretty good amount. learn more every week. i love the outdoors but i bet im gona love not having to deal with bugs/bad weather/ lol ( last year it rained every day for 2 weeks. didnt do so well ) so i consider myself new to indoor. i know that cfl's during flowering create way more crystals than a hps or mh ... theres a very nice post of one on this site acually. but anyways il post up some pics soon. plant was slightly stuned by transplant & constant movement/stress ... im pretty sure this new environment is better ventilated and has more space. adjustments will be made if needed.


Please find that article and link me! I would love to see it!! Your plant should be alright, the shock wont kill it. These lil fuckers are way more resilliant than some ppl would have you believe. Cant wait to see how it turns out for you!


Active Member
i cant seem to find the cfl grow link i was looking at last night but yea its not bad.. i really wana start fresh tho. i can do better... pics will be up tomorrow.. in the meantime i have a slight problem i cant seem to fix. the lower first 2 sets of leafs have become very "droopy" also blocking alot of light where needed. the stem isnt weak or bending, its just the leaf(s) itself hang down. i make sure i have an ocsilating fan blow on the plant twice daily for about ten minutes to strengthen the stem/vien structure... im not sure what the problem is or wat to do? cutting leafs could result in good or bad? help is appreciated. thanks


I would prefer to see the pics before commenting, but without em, I can say thats prob normal territory that comes with the transplant. I wouldnt get worried unless it doesnt seem to look better over the weekend. Whats the humidity like in that room? is it warm enough for them? They prob could use a bit of warm temps and the light very close to them since its a CFL (im hoping the bulb is not especially hot - If it is, keep it a bit away of course, but normally CFL's are cooler compared with HPS). You may wanna forget about the fan until the shock has worn off and you start to see the branches "reach" towards the light rather than droop. Once theyre strenghtened up again, reintroducing the fan to strengthen wont be a problem. You'll have quite some time in between then and flowering for them to get stronger.

I wouldn't cut them out just yet unless they are really blocking any important bud sites or anything. You said that they are on the lower sets anyways, and thats likely because the light isnt reaching them in the quantities it would like right now. Did you happen to add the mylar/blanket/white paint to the room? It might not be something you can or would wanna do, but if you have cool flouros (tubes) or even the bulbs you veggd with, that you could position around those areas that are drooping, as long as you still have your flowering bulb on and are doing the flowering light schedule, i dont think it'll revert your plant into a veg state, but it'll give the lower sites some strength.

Hope this helps, and anyone who has more that they can add, or if you disagree please point it out so this guy gets the right info..


Active Member
thanks for the help dude. and yeah il put up some pics 2morrow for sure (its my day off). but to answer ur questions. the closet is in his basement bedroom. there is a window if needed. but room stays very warm. not sure about the humidity. bulbs are warm but i can put as close as 2 inches away probly. il provide specs tomorrow. i need to buy more (red spectrum cfl's) asap. as i only have 1. the rest are blue. ultra bright and cool/soft white


Active Member
So i finally got some pics up ( camera still isnt working so i cant get close up detail shots :-? ) im 1 week into flowering and plant is getting very bushy and still growing, but still no sign of acual white hairs yet. i really dont think its a male tho, maybe just a leafy strain... the top new set of leaves are 9 leafs each one so im hoping il see some soon! i still cant diagnose the bottom droopy leaf problem but il give it a couple more days. im pretty sure i can only do 3 plants at a time with this set-up. deffinatly veg more but not for flowering. im currently germing more seeds. most of em are bag seed but one strain i know is white Rhino. im really trying to find the light fixtures that hold 4 or 5 bubls that you can simply plug into a wall outlet but cant seem to find them. ( i still havent tried home depot) i would really like to get my hands on a few of those fixtures. anyway here are the pics and light specs. ( closet is more spacious than appears)

2 regular floro's --> F15 T8 (thats all it provided)

Big CFL --> "cool white light" (200 watt replacement) running at 50 watts. 3000 lumens and colour temp 4100k

Medium size CFL --> "Ultra Bright" (150 watt replacement) running at 40 watts. 2600 Lumens and 4100k

smallest cfl --> (only red spectrum) 15 watt/120 volt. 2700k

i have an un-opened package of new blue spectrum "cool light" blubs. 26 watt. 6500k and 1600 lumens (each bulb)



looks good dude! the tops are reachin for sure. Its just droopy from the shock of the transplant. It'll get better soon, dont bother trying to cut em off. its too bad that the longer cfls along that wall are just a tad too high to reach that droopy area. If you could position it a bit better by raising the plant a bit or something else, itd be better (for now) but i would expect them to snap out eventually. As i recall you mentioned you damaged roots in the transplant and thats prob gonna be responsible for settin those back a bit longer than you'd like. Lookin good!

Also.. You dont wanna soak them right now, I would keep the soil moist but not constantly wet, let the plant try to force rooting by searching for water a bit. (just thought I would add that, cuz if its over watered it will bounce back a bit slower as well (in my experience)..

I really wish some other ppl would chime in haha.. I'm goin with my personal experience.. i'd hate to lead you in the wrong direction, but those are my recommendations.

I dont know how long you've had the tubes along the side there but you can clearly tell the plant is getting the best light in and around the top area. Whether that can be attributed soley to the CFL you got right above it attachted with the reflection, you would be able to tell better than me. But, If you want the bottom to catch up, just jack the plant up for a few days so that area strengthens up. Either position that light on the side a bit lower as well, and mabye move them closer to the lights along the wall if possible, they wont be hurt by rubbing against those if there the cool types.

I think it looks pretty good man, im interested in seeing how it flowers in there.


Active Member
yea the transplant is the only thing i could think of. i think it will get better. im interested too ( seeing as how im used to the art of outdoor growing ) lol but as for the 2 cfl's on the sides i moved them apart for the pics. but i hope this one goes well. if it does produce bud the yeild will be okay with the way everythings branching out this is my 2nd indoor grow. learning stage. i hope to find those 4-way light fixtures soon. but thanks for all the help man ( + Rep ) . u seem to be the only one " acually" helping me out here
anyone else feel free to give some opinions.


Active Member
***Bump** can anyone help me out to determin the sex of the plant or what is going on? its kinda freekin me out. i have pics up of veg and 1 week into flowering. usually my outdoor plants have buds. this one (bag seed) plant looks healthy n ready but just keeps growing more leafs and stems branching out everywhere. its getting bushy but ive read a few times male plants dont have many leafs. i see no sign of seeds... never seen this befor. i just threw 3 'germed' seeds into pots with fresh soil. i need to get things rollin here. still trying to find that light fixture too


Just wait dude, take pics tomorrow and let us see.. if you cant see anything developing, you cant see anything developing! It'll happen. If its slow, its likely the shock or the light. Outdoor is a much different beast, you are simulating the sun. Your lights are not capable of replicating that power. Also, indoors, soil grows are on average much slower than what you will see from a hydro set up with the same strain. Have faith.. I'm sure it'll come soon. Just keep an eye out and take pics.


Active Member
yeah, all i can do is be paitent n wait. i hope things go well. il post up some help pics soon... i have 4 seedlings in pots. 1 just popped outta the soil. im going to leave them out for about a week or so to build strength then throw em in the closet under the lights. would it be okay to veg the other 4 in there? and move my other plant to a dark room when needed ( cuz its on 12/12 .. i do 18/6 for veg ) i also plan on adding another 2 cfl's next week. to make a total of 7 lights


yeah man, if your going to move the other plant somewhere dark for those hours, it should be fine. Just a pain in the ass is all! The extra lights will help as well. Careful not to overload a circuit or anything (Im not sure how powerful they are, but I think on of the High Times vids says to stay away from exceeding something like 15amps per circuit.. You can also find a small write up here:


Active Member
thanks for all the info man. it says most lights draw 1amp for every 100 watts. my highest light is a (200 watt replacement) running at 50 watts. so i think i should be safe. correct ? i think it said 12 amps max on one curcuit. i cant be close to even 10amps yet im pretty sure. as we all know cfl's are exrtreamly energy effecient. that master bulb i bought was compared to ten 100watt incendessants lol


Active Member
hey everyone. i really PLZ need some help here. "thePunk" has been the only one really supporting through this lol but anyone plz feel free, i really need the help. im new to indoor but well educated for outdoor grows.... anyways i have a few questions. so basically im almost 2 weeks into flowering ( 12/12 ) and ive never seen a plant have such slow (flower) growth. how long can a plant possibly be stunned for? the transplant has been a lil while now as i posted befor. quiet a few roots were damaged. some even ripped apart but the rest of the plant was and still is growing. just not any bud/pistils etc... ive never seen a plant get so bushy and continue to branch out everywhere with more leaf and not have any pistils. but Finally! i woke up this morning and found a few small white hairs on certain internodes. i would really apreciate some help and info on my plant. (page 3 has alot more pics and bulb specs. plz view!) so here are a few pics i took this morning. and still my camera is down so i cant get any detail close up shots :?.. [ im also still giving my plant 10-54-10 nutes about one dose a week. 2 max. seeing as how i cant water every day cuz soil stays moist]

my questions:

1) can anyone determin what the hell is going on with my plant? lol

2) is there anything i can do to help/aid the plant? ex: increase nutes?

3) bottom leaf's are still "droopy" blocking light for lower bud sites

4) i woke up to find my 2 seedlings stretched to shit. would it be possible to cut the root smaller and put back in soil? or dig deeper lowering the seedling to a regular hight? or would that just kill it?

5) and finally. where can i get a hold of a light fixture that holds 3 or 4 blubs. i always see ppl with them but can never seem to find one. ive shopped everywhere except home depot

i really need help with all this. if this plant i have is a wast of time plz tell me so i can concentrate on my new seedlings. read my other post for more info. THANKS PPL:leaf:



Active Member
you'll find that socket adaptor thign at homedepot forsure!(cfl not the hps)
good to hear your going HPS! im sorry but cfl's do not make more chrystally weed then hps(mentioned earlier)
with this closet id say start with the 1 400watter, 2 would be overkill unless you cooltube'em.


Active Member
yeah i cant wait to get the hps up and running. cfl's veg well but flower garbage... the cfl crystal idea just came from a few post i read, and there are a few nice cfl grows on this site. but my plant wont flower with em lol. but.. is the one 400W hps good enough to cover 5 or 6 plants in that closet? with maybe 2 cfl's for extra light?