Need some answers..any help?


So my first grow is coming on fine I believe from a bag seed .. I don't know what strain, therefore I do not know the "proper" harvest time for it.. I planted 8/1/2016. Secondly, once I do harvest her.. what are my steps to vegetate her again?



Well-Known Member
I would harvest the top first. Then lower the light and finish the lower.

So to know when to harvest you read the pistils, when they turn brown and start to with draw it's time.

Also I would not reveg it takes forever, hell you can start more seeds and veg em in a shorter time.



Well-Known Member
If you want to reveg her, leave some popcorn buds on the lower branches and stick her back on 18/6. It'll take quite some time though. It'd be faster to sprout another seed instead. Goodluck.


I would harvest the top first. Then lower the light and finish the lower.

So to know when to harvest you read the pistils, when they turn brown and start to with draw it's time.

Also I would not reveg it takes forever, hell you can start more seeds and veg em in a shorter time.

Thanks for your time

Pete Townshend

Well-Known Member
Word thanks for the help
Thanks for your time
When nearly all the trichomes have a cloudy look you are in the first stage of your harvest window. A lot of people including myself like to see cloudy with some amber colored trichomes when they harvest.

As far as reveging leave some lower branches and flip back to a veg cycle. There are a lot of different ways perhaps like to do this. When you chop that main stalk make a nice clean cut across with a sterilized cutting tool. Some people don't but I recommend covering the cut with duct tape do there isn't a massive wound in the plant exposed. Could take up to a month before you see new growth. The new growth will start of rather strange looking but will eventually get back to normal. Good luck.