Need some big time help!!!


Well-Known Member
Whatsup bro, were the f you been at yea my baby girl is getting there. I had to give it a 1/4 tsp 2 days ago of my veging nutes because a couple of the lower leaves died off. Do you think I should give her a nother drink of that then hit it with the bloom? Again I'm thinking of maybe staying with that it's 20-30-20 u know that but what do you think. Agh bro is there anyway I could switch my cycle around and give her 24 hrs dark period and then hit it with 12/12 or is that a bad idea.


Well-Known Member
Whatsup bro, were the f you been at yea my baby girl is getting there. I had to give it a 1/4 tsp 2 days ago of my veging nutes because a couple of the lower leaves died off. Do you think I should give her a nother drink of that then hit it with the bloom? Again I'm thinking of maybe staying with that it's 20-30-20 u know that but what do you think. Agh bro is there anyway I could switch my cycle around and give her 24 hrs dark period and then hit it with 12/12 or is that a bad idea.

What I usually do is 2 weeks before 12/12 I flush all the vegging nutes and then switch to 12/12 without going 24 hours of no light. Also, you gots to switch to nutes with a higher P and lower N and K. I think a 10-30-10 would be straight, but I run 5-50-17 for flowering at half the reccommended dose. Also when starting on new nutes slowly work up to the reccommended dose, or nute burn is a definite. and 20-30-20 for veg. Cannabis thrives off a high P during flowering and you need alot less N.

Well good luck man and one more fucking week until freedom, LOL.... Tell you next friday, LOL.....:hump:


Well-Known Member
Ok cool thanks and Whatsup wit that 1 week till freedom shit is that the same thing you was talking about a while ago?


Well-Known Member
Hey funk, so u got 1 week left until harvest? me too. Friday, May 8th, 2009 is the day for me. wish ya many buds ma man :D