Need some clear answers about flora flex caps feeding

Hello Fellow Growers!

So, for my second grow, I plan on using flora flex caps and automate top feed.

Can anyone give me a guideline on feeding schedules? I’m usually flooding in a flood tray, so I flood for 15 minutes.

Plan to have 12 plants for my second grow.

Any suggestions?

I’ve heard some people feed only for a couple seconds? I apologize ahead of time if I sound dumb. Just want to hear some ideas.

Thank you!
I am using these for my run and I just transplanted into 1gal pots using coco/perlite. Since my smallest timer can only be set to 1 minute I'm going to hand feed until I transplant into 5gal pots. The 1gal would would flush out quite a bit one 1 minute intervals and was a waste. Moving up to 5gal pots I think will work great but you will have to just time it and make adjustments as you go. 20190911_195340.jpg
Nice setup! We have the almost exact same setup. How much are you feeding for exactly? 15 seconds and 3 or 4 times a day? I know it changes during flower, but I just want to get a round about of what people are doing.
So I'm a new grower so take my advise lightly lol. I'm watering once per day with 1 gallon of water per four 1gal pots. I'm using Remo nutrients at half strength until the roots gain proper structure. I'm not automating until I transplant to bigger pots. Once in the 5gal pots I will probably run 3 drip feeds per day at 1minute intervals with adjustments as needed.

Here is a great podcast about coco

Here is my setup before I put plants in

Good luck on your grow. I would love to see your results on the setup. I really like learning from others methods so keep me posted.