need some clone info


New Member
I just got a clone of pineapple express and another of shishkaberry, they both have roots, and are about 3 or 4 inches tall, the p.e. have alot of leaves and im curious on how to make it flower fast, like starting tomorrow, the shishkaberry only has a couple leaves, they are both female, and i also need to know what wattage to use for flowering

flower pharm

Well-Known Member
12 hours of light and 12 dark to flower light depends on room ,$,cooling the more light the better but with only 2 small clones if u start budding /flowering u wont get but maybe a quarter off each one .better to grow them 18hrs of light 6hrs dark for a couple of wks first


New Member
12 hours of light and 12 dark to flower light depends on room ,$,cooling the more light the better but with only 2 small clones if u start budding /flowering u wont get but maybe a quarter off each one .better to grow them 18hrs of light 6hrs dark for a couple of wks first
Thanks for replying (new to the site) my girlfriend isnt too happy about the growing, so im trying to make it a max of 2 month thing, hopefully sooner, im also doing an outdoor grow so i wont mind getting just a small bit, would i get more if i did that light period for just a week or so, then switched to 12/12? And how long do you think it would take to fully flower?

Born Again Vegan

Active Member
To determine the light you need work out the size of the area you wish to illuminate. A 250 W hps has an effective footprint of 2'X2', a 400W 3'X3' and a 600 W 4'X4'. Each bulb also has its own penetration value. For example a 250 will penetrate 1' compared to a 600 that will go 3'.

Born Again Vegan

Active Member
Length of flower is down to the strain but within which there is variation. From ten seeds of the same batch two plants might take six weeks, three seven, and so on.
Just grow them til they look ready to smoke, they'll be perfect then

flower pharm

Well-Known Member
first if ur gf dont like it i hope ur in a legal state.cuz thats a big checkmate get my drift?anyhow if ur just doin little plants like that hps is best but this sounds pretty temporary so i would use cfl the bulb type, many like 8 or they do make some nice cfl hood fixtures i think hydro farm? but even a 250 hps would make that quarter dense and stinky cfl not so much,but way cheaper and very very little heat


New Member
Ok so before i saw this, i went and got a red 250 heat lamp today, a friend of mine said this is great for budding, whats your view?

flower pharm

Well-Known Member
do not use it it is infrared and will cook ur plants dead ur friend is wrong. HPS is high pressure sodium.use it. or flourescent.not being jerk but u put cart b4 horse.should do at least little research.