Need Some Experienced Feedback


Well-Known Member
It happens. I have eight plants going right now, everything done uniform just like you. There was a two foot difference in height between the tallest and smallest. That's one of the reasons why people prefer to grow clones because they offer greater uniformity.


Active Member
well, its 1000 watts... and its 3 ft above.. it just looks far from that angle... any closer ill burn them... i dont understand how pots could be too big... any reason why that would make a difference????

and yeah thats what my goal is to get a good mother to clone from.. just waiting.


Well-Known Member
well, its 1000 watts... and its 3 ft above.. it just looks far from that angle... any closer ill burn them... i dont understand how pots could be too big... any reason why that would make a difference????

and yeah thats what my goal is to get a good mother to clone from.. just waiting.
Big pots with little plants tent to promote soil compaction, over/underwatering, pests, fungus, nutrient leaching, among others. :peace: Start small and transplant them to larger pots.


Active Member
ahhh i see, ok ok.. welllll, i think im gonna get some different soil too... the bark content in that organic shit is way to high... and i guess hell, i see what you mean about the problems.. well, looks like i got some work to do... thank ya siiiir


Active Member
ok well plants have been doing very good, they are all very green, but with older showings of over water from before.. i t hink i got that under control...
im about to start using a grow fertilizer... i have super bloom that i used twice only because i didnt have any other ferts.. but its been ok.. i just need a higher dosage of fert. i think its like 4-8-4 or something.. but does anyone have an idea how much of the eco grow fert i use.. i have both a and b grow. one is white chrystal substance, and one is yellow powdery balls.. but i dont know how much of which i use.. so if anyone has a sugestion... please let me know/.. thanks.