Need some guidance(?) of first grow


Active Member
ok ive got some seeds germinating and they are starting to sprout, i know that you put them in some dirt and all that shit but my main concern is what lights to start out with, and i've only got a 3 1/2 foot growing space. Can i still grow these bitches?

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
alrite gotcha
Yup, good move.

Step two: Go to the bookstore and get a good growbook. Jorge Cervantes' medical grow bible is a great place to start. Read cover to cover. If you still have questions, ask here. You will be much more successful than if you were to get all your info here. This place is better for more specific issues.

Good luck

Edit; you will be able to grow and hustle those bitches whether it's in an area 3 1/2 ft square, tall, wide, or deep.