Need some help Cfl grow


Active Member
anyone know how i could get rid of the reflectors and maybe hook them up to a piece of ply wood with drill holes and then buy like 4 more sockets maybe i wanna hook the plywood to a chain so i can raise and lower eisier cause right now its a bitch if anyones got plans for a similar idea that'd be cool


Well-Known Member
is that tin foil? If so, GET RID OF IT!!! Check out my grow journal in my signature, i have a couple different light setups for CFLs

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
yea but that should work well and should cost like $15 if you have an ext. cord handy
but better to instal a timer to..... you will need a timer when you flower

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
only cut the tips if your going to remove damaged parts or cut the whole leaf if its more than 2/3 dead.... theyre not that burnt so it doesnt matter to much


Active Member
yea i actually went out and baught some yeast and sugar and put them in a little powerage bottle and left it in there and overnight the plants grew like crazy and the leafs perked right up doesnt seem to mind being crispy at all now yesterday they were lookin pretty sad so id say the makeshift co2 tutorial works and dont cut off crispy shit ! lol but that one with the burnt leafs still looks like number 1 did on day 2 haha ill post more picks after i water its feeding day ill just be using regular water i grew my seedlings in organic MG but i still want to get unfertilized shit for when i transplant maybe keep one in mg just to compare


Well-Known Member
If you look at my journal, you will see my plants were messed up early on.....I'm thinking it was my MG soil. I wouldn't use any added nutes for another 2 weeks to be safe.....

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
ive found the best thing to start seeds in is a mix of peat, vermiculite, and perlite i go with a 50% peat, 40% vermiculite, and 10% perlite. it works like a charm no nutes til plants get there 2nd set of true leaves

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
um i do it when they get their second set of leaves. then i transplant the unuted soil into a hole of soil with more nutes like a a mix containing blood meal, bone meal, worm castings and bat guano


Active Member
well heres a little before and after i " PIMPED" my box lol it looks pretty slick im gonna stick y's in those sockets and i removed the tin foil so that one buddy would be happy i fixed the lights to the top of the cabnet and i can lower and raise the shelf so i dont gotta worry bout the lights fallin on my bud's maybe some ideas for a reflector anyone ? or eles im just gonna slap tin foil up there so here it is

