Need Some Help in SIP Grow


Well-Known Member
Warning...long...but thats to cover all my bases lol

Having some issues on at least 2 of my plants.

Gorilla Zkittlez has always shown some bit of canoeing on her new growth with bright green tops that will eventually flatten out and get darker as the leaves mature. The discoloration in between leaf veins is newish. More pronounced in past couple days.


Apple Blossom has had this discoloration of the leaves edges about a week after the transplant into the SIP. Hasn't really progressed beyond that except for the interveinal fading and very pronounced raised, crinkled sections in between the veins.


Francos Lemon Cheese was the slowest put the gate but seems to be doing fine so far.


Here's everyone together. Also majority of my leaves have kind of a rough texture kinda like a fine sandpaper.

Soil is staying moist throughout the totes, however I did notice that the completely stopped drinking after about a gallon of water had been consumed. Raised my totes out of the reservoir and noticed the bottom halves of my wick had washed out in the bucket :wall:

Run down of the grow
3 plant mainline. Everyone has been topped for the third time for my 8 mains on each plant. Still have about 2-3 weeks of Veg before flipping to flower.

5 gallon DIY SIP totes w/ 5 gallons of soil and 2 gallons of water in reservoir. Wicks are 3 inch net cups stacked for the entire depth of the reservoir.

Growing in a living soil based on Coots Recipe using BAS amendments
40% Peat
40% Pumice and Rice Hulls
20% compost
BaS nutrients
BaS minerals

Once transplanted into SIPs
Top dressed with
Kashi Blend
Cover crop
A little bit of Craft Blend
Some buildaflower
And Barley Straw Mulch.

Reservoir also has 1/4 cup of homemade LABs per gallon of water

Grow cab is 70 inches high x 36 inches wide x 20 inches deep.

Have 2 Viparspectra p1500 running about 50% 24 inches from canopy.

Temps stay at constant 78 F with lights on and 70 F lights out on 18/6 schedule.
Humidty is in between 60-70 with lights on and 80ish lights out.

Looking for some insight on what may be going on. If I've left anything out please don't hesitate to ask any more questions!!

Thank you in advance!!
For what it's worth, I fixed and repacked the wicks and gave an epsom foliar spray last night. Also raised the lights a bit more. Not much change overnight. Will update later tonight when I get home from work
Just snapped some pics after work and it seems everything I did last night kept everything from progressing any further. Everything was perked up and some of the interveinal fading has darkened (at least to my eyes) a little bit

I've been wanting to try SIP's for the convenience for awhile now. Hope the extra magnesium helps out from the foliar spray you did. It looks lockout related to me but I'm not a real organic guy. I don't know enough about soil mixes to give you any real direction unfortunately. Hopefully it settles in with the soil and gets sorted as soon as possible for you.
I've been wanting to try SIP's for the convenience for awhile now. Hope the extra magnesium helps out from the foliar spray you did. It looks lockout related to me but I'm not a real organic guy. I don't know enough about soil mixes to give you any real direction unfortunately. Hopefully it settles in with the soil and gets sorted as soon as possible for you.
So far for the ease of use, minus the couple mishaps I've had, I'm loving them. Although I'm already planning on doing an entire bed in the bottom of this cab. One big sip and and run em all together. Gonna build some for the outdoor veggies this coming winter.
As far as the plants I think I'm getting things sorted. Issues haven't really progressed and new growth is looking good. I also realized I had my lights about 5 inches lower than I thought and a little brighter. Raised them up 8 inches and they perked up. So fingers crossed we're heading outta all this.