!need some help making hash!


DONT TAKE MY WORD FOR THIS< I DONT KNOW IF YOU ARE SUPPOSSED TO USE METAL OR PLASTIC, and i dont want anyone blowin themselves up...

Maybe a honey oil expert can come clarify for us....
i've done a batch of honey oil with a drpepper bottle.....came out fine; might not be adviseable, but worked 3times for me...

Sweet video link GG! I cant wait to try it!

Hows the hash gogrow?

long gone, but it was good while it lasted:mrgreen::blsmoke:


Active Member
So whats the best plant for hashish havent had any since highschool (20yrs ago) but got a hell of a green thumb and wanting to show some friends the joys of hash


Well-Known Member
DONT TAKE MY WORD FOR THIS< I DONT KNOW IF YOU ARE SUPPOSSED TO USE METAL OR PLASTIC, and i dont want anyone blowin themselves up...

Maybe a honey oil expert can come clarify for us....
ive done quite a few bho runs, the reason your not supposed to use plastic is because the butane strips layers of plastic from the inside of the tube and chemicals leach out into your oil, pvc pipe is the worst for this, the only metal that should be used realy is stainless steel, i did make a copper tube extractor once with drilled copper blanking caps at each and i noticed a copper taste to the oil. most grades of s/steel will not react with the butane, iv just got myself a honey bee extractor(see pic) its made of plastic but its not supposed react with the butane whatsoever, il post pics on another thread when i use it for the first time. another important point is to make dam sure your butane can carries a "near zero impurities" label (see pic), camping type butane, soldering iron butane and cheap butane lighter refills contain impurities that will not evaporate with the butane and will be left behind in the oil you smoke, camping butane often has extra odour added to it to make it more detectable in the event of a leak at the campsite, most of these impurities are harmfull to your health when smoked and are what most of the controversy surrounding bho are about, i also make hash similar to the "gumbo" method video after seeing a thread on another site donkeys years ago, but i freeze my trim over night before hand, whisk up my trim, pre-chilled water and ice in one bucket and have another bucket with a pair of tights stretched over the top. then i remove the ice and as much trim as i can by hand from my "mixing" bucket and pour the water through the tights into the other bucket then after its settled for 6hours i start ladeling off the water from the top, and i use a syringe to remove last remaining water, but definately the easiest method for a first time hash maker is the dry sift method, but the results are a lower grade as you always get some amount of plant matter in your hash........



Well-Known Member
Just curious what the heck is a bee extractor? All I can make out in your photo is "Zero impurities" How do you know this is the truth?? Many companies make many claims and the opposite is often the real truth. Are these things sold in the USA? I WAS GOING TO TRY THE GUMBY METHOD, BUT I let the trim sit to long and it was attacked by mold! Next grow this winter I am going to try this or the bags if I get a weak moment and fork out the money. Wish I could afford the bubbler.


Well-Known Member
Just curious what the heck is a bee extractor? All I can make out in your photo is "Zero impurities" How do you know this is the truth?? Many companies make many claims and the opposite is often the real truth. Are these things sold in the USA? I WAS GOING TO TRY THE GUMBY METHOD, BUT I let the trim sit to long and it was attacked by mold! Next grow this winter I am going to try this or the bags if I get a weak moment and fork out the money. Wish I could afford the bubbler.
a honey bee extractor is a device for making butane honey oil, i know the near zero impurities label is genuine because any impurities will be left behind in the oil when the butane evaporates off, i have made oils using cheaper butane that doesnt carry the label and a chemically tainted taste is always present in the oil, no matter how long you bubble off the butane for, ive found any butane carrying the label does not leave impurities in the oil, you can tell by the taste and the colour of the oil, a good way to test your butane is to push the gas nozzle down onto a mirror squirting gas for a few seconds onto the mirror, a few seconds after you stop spraying all the liquid butane should have evaporated off with no residue left on the mirror, this gas is good for making oil because it will leave nothing in your oil, if you notice a powdery, greasy or any other type of residue left on the mirror do not use this gas as it contains impurities, but be sure to look at the mirror carefully from all angles sometimes the residue can be quite hard to see. and i have no idea if honey bee extractors are available in the usa, i ordered mine from everyonedoesit.com here in the uk, i think they ship to the usa but not theyre seeds.


Active Member
freeze ur trim for a while tricomes fall of better when they are cold. then screen ur trim with a silk or metal screen. u will be left with kief (a golden powder witch is pretty much just tricomes).then get a polythene bag the one off of a ciggy packet works fine. put ur kief in the bag and squezze it in to shape.get some selo tape and tape up ur little package nice and tight.poke a few holes in it with a pin then get some newspaper and make it moist then put ur packet in between a couple of sheets of the moist paper.now get a hot iron and iron the packet on both sides a couple of times with a medium pressure then let it sit for bout 20 mins. then unwrap ur packet and u got some hash.


Well-Known Member
yea you can also put it a the ciggy packet and put it under the inner sole of your shoe and just walk around as you do all day, the warmth and the pressure forces it all together, not very comfy on your feet tho. iv also put the kief package between two hard books and put the two books under one corner of my washing machine for 24hours, that worked surprisingly well! you seen them hash presses you can buy?