Need some help please. pics


Well-Known Member
too much water? whats the pH of the soil and what kind of water is it getting? seems like ya got bugs too
I havent ph tested the water, i have been using the same tap water through out the grow and its never had an adverse effect on the plants growth before


Well-Known Member
ph is important.
my plants never had an "issue" till later in their lives. but when I adjusted it, they did a lot better.

might be over watering.

let the soil dry out.

then flush them, let the water sit out 1 day so the chlorine evaporates. and ph it. it usually takes 0.5-1 drop of vinegar per gallon, to get it to 6.5, with tap water (at least where I live).

do this, and wait a couple of days and see what happens....