Need some help please


New Member
I really need some help guys I guess somebody threw some seeds into a pot that I had and I started getting some seedlings about sometime in February. Well I let them grow and sometime in March we have the Daylight Savings time change. A couple of weeks after that I saw that the plant was flowering So I just let it be. well last week I started noticing it started to Reveg so I didn't know what to do, so a friend told me that it started to reveg cause we were getting more sunlight now and that I needed to clip out all buds and let it veg again. So I did that But now It's been like 5 days And The plant is not giving me no new growth. So I'm kind of confused on what to do, The plant is around 2 feet tall And I was thinking about cutting the main stem by the base of the plant and just leaving the bottom fan leaves. Again I'm a newbie so I really don't know what to do in the situation. Does anybody know or have any advice on what I can do to get this plant to Reveg again, Or is it just a lost cause and I should just throw it away.IMG_20160407_185426.jpg IMG_20160407_185436.jpg IMG_20160407_185611.jpg IMG_20160407_185445.jpg Thank you in advance

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
looks like you cut ALL of the nodes off, there's nothing for it TO grow back from. wtf dude?

hopefully you left a couple of nodes to grow back from, the buds would have vegged out if you had left them...

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
I magnified your picture and to me it looks like there may be new growth already started where your cuts were. I can't be certain though. Keep her fed watered and under correct light and it may just pull through. Don't do this again lol. But seriously don't!


Well-Known Member
Given time and the right protection she will re-vegetative. If you're keeping it can keep a simple flood light on her 24/7 to ensure she stays in vegetative mode (depending on the season).

Make sure she doesn't get too cold :)