Need some help sexing


Well-Known Member

I've got a plant that looks like a girl but I also see some balls. Please take a look at the pics and let me know, I'm thinkin (hoping not) that it might be a hermi. This is my first grow so those balls could pop out pistons for all I know. All these pictures are the same plant.

Thanks for looking



Well-Known Member
It looks like it's hermied to me...the third picture show male flowers forming clearly enough I think. A good way to tell is that calyxs don't grow on their own little stems, male flowers can and do.


Well-Known Member
It looks like it's hermied to me...the third picture show male flowers forming clearly enough I think.
What about the very last pic, the branch that kinda runs along the slogan...where it meets the stem, i kinda thought THAT looked like male flowers, but all the shots where he was TRYING to get the male flowers, they're too blurry.


Well-Known Member
What about the very last pic, the branch that kinda runs along the slogan...where it meets the stem, i kinda thought THAT looked like male flowers, but all the shots where he was TRYING to get the male flowers, they're too blurry.
They do look like male flowers also, the third one does it for me though...I can see the stem, and the formation of the flower forming.


Well-Known Member
What about the very last pic, the branch that kinda runs along the slogan...where it meets the stem, i kinda thought THAT looked like male flowers, but all the shots where he was TRYING to get the male flowers, they're too blurry.
I agree, the pics are to blurry to really tell if its hermie or not.


Well-Known Member
lol, yeah, I didn't want to go telling him it was hermie without a really clear pic. Maybe, f you can't get a really good pic, what you should do is find some really good pics of hermies, or male flowers, so you know what to look for. The GrowFAQ has some good pics.


Well-Known Member
I'll try a different mode on my camera tommorow, she/he is sleeping right now. It's in with a female, how long do I have untill it will pollinate? I might be able to put it's sister in another box.


Well-Known Member
Ok, here are some more pictures, these pictures are focus on the only 2 balls I found on the entire plant. I've got another girl in the same box as it but I might be able to move that girl into my 2nd box, but there's already one flowering in there and it's taking up almost all the room, may be a little cramped. It's worth it to grow out a hermie right?



Well-Known Member
Ok, those last 3 pics it looks pretty clearly like male flowers. Yeah, you want to get it away from your female ASAP, because if it pollenates her, your buds will be fulll of worthless seeds. I say worthless because hermie seeds tend to produce hermies.


Well-Known Member
How is the bud after I grind it up and take out all the seeds? This is a G13 loyrider crossed with hash plant (so it's not autoflowering) so the bud should be pretty decent on a hermie? Should I trash er or is it worth the water and the nuts to grow out? (I can seperate her, it's just gonna be cramped in my 2nd flowering box)


Well-Known Member
I've never had a hermie, but I've read posts from people who say they've had them and harvested them. Some say it's not worth it, that the buds are too full of seeds. One guy says he yeilded 1 oz and 9 grams from a hermie.

If you can do it, and are able to keep the hermie completely away from your female, I could see why you would want to keep it. But you have to be WAY careful, pollen could stick to your hands or clothes, and if you go from your hermie to your female without serious precautions, YOU could end up pollenating your female.

I would kill it, just because I know I might fuck up and forget, and to ruin a female would piss me off.


Active Member
if you decide to keep it.. a way to getting the seed out.. put it in a sweet tin and shake the hell out of it.. most of the seeds will fall out of it.. save you picking it out...


Well-Known Member
How is the bud after I grind it up and take out all the seeds? This is a G13 loyrider crossed with hash plant (so it's not autoflowering) so the bud should be pretty decent on a hermie? Should I trash er or is it worth the water and the nuts to grow out? (I can seperate her, it's just gonna be cramped in my 2nd flowering box)
Its a hermie 100%. Seperate it asap and yeah you can still smoke the buds after.

rockin 7734

Active Member
You can cut the male flowers off and still get sensi.It kinda sucks to do but possible.You can use a razor blade and cut rite behind the pod carefull not to cut into the pod.Just keep doin this and the early flowers(the ones that open up quick) will quit coming out but will probably send out L8 males flowers that will only open if stressed.Usually a seed or a few will end up in harvest.Better than hundreds.I grew a couple of gen hermie seeds till I realized hermie trait is really strong in seeds produced.This trick works well.;)